
Terms containing address | all forms | exact matches only
commun.abbreviated addressforkortet adresse
IT, tech.abbreviated address callingkortnummervalg
IT, tech.abbreviated address callingspeed calling
IT, tech.abbreviated address callingabbreviated address calling
ITabsolute addressabsolut adresse
IT, dat.proc.absolute addressingabsolut adressering
IT, dat.proc.actual addresseffektiv adresse
IT, dat.proc.actual addressaktuel adresse
ITaddress access timeadressetilgangstid
IT, dat.proc.address assignmentadressering
IT, dat.proc.address assignmentadresse-tildeling
comp., MSaddress baradresselinje (A navigational element, usually appearing at the top of a window, that displays, and allows users to change, their current location)
comp., MSAddress Bar Top ResultMest populære resultat fra adresselinje (The feature that allows users to navigate directly to the webpage of the top-ranked search result when a search is performed in the address bar)
ITaddress blankadresse-blanktegn
comp., MSaddress bookadressekartotek (A collection of contact information for particular individuals, groups or organizations)
comp., MSAddress BookAdressekartotek (A directory that you can use to store names, e-mail addresses, fax numbers, and distribution lists)
patents.address booksadressebøger
patents.address books and diariesadressebøger og dagbøger
ITaddress busadressedatalinje
ITaddress busadressebus
ITaddress capacityadressekapacitet
comp., MSaddress classadresseklasse (A predefined grouping of Internet addresses with each class defining networks of a certain size. The range of numbers that can be assigned for the first octet in the IP address is based on the address class. Class A networks (values 1 to 127) are the largest, with more than 16 million hosts per network. Class B networks (128 to 191) have up to 65,534 hosts per network, and Class C (192 to 223) can have up to 254 hosts per network)
ITaddress comparatoradressesammenligner
ITaddress comparatoradressekomparator
IT, earth.sc.address comparator circuitadressesammenligningskredsløb
ITaddress complete messagemeddelelse am fuldstændig adresse
gen.address-complete,subscriber-free signal,coin-boxfuldstændig adresse, abonnentnummer - ledigt - signal, møntboks
ITaddress computationadresseberegning
IT, tech.address constantstartpunkt
IT, tech.address constantadressekonstant
stat.address control listadressekontrolliste
ITaddress conversionadresseomsætning
ITaddress decoderadressedekoder
IT, earth.sc.address decoder circuitadresseafkodningsenhed
IT, earth.sc.address-enable generationstyring af adresvalidering
ITaddress error exceptionfejladresseringsundtagelse
ITaddress field Aadressefelt
ITaddress fieldadressefelt
gen.address for correspondencepostadresse
polit., lawaddress for serviceangivelse af en valgt adresse
law, fin.address for servicevalgt processuel bopeal
polit., lawaddress for servicevalgt domicil
law, fin.address for servicevalgt adresse
lawaddress for service in the place where the Court has its seatvalgt adresse på det sted, hvor Retten har sæde
lawaddress for service in the place where the Court has its seatvalgt adresse på det sted, hvor Domstolen har sæde
lawaddress for service of process legal fiction of an address for service of processvedtaget værneting fiktive begreb "vedtaget værneting"
ITaddress formatadresseinddeling
ITaddress formatadresse-format
ITaddress formatadressestruktur
ITaddress formatadresseopbygning
ITaddress formatadresseformat
el.address incomplete signalutilstrækkelig adressesignal
el.address incomplete signaladressefejlssignal
el.address labeladresselabel
ITaddress latchadresselukker
IT, earth.sc.address-latchlukker for adresser
comp., MSaddress listadresseliste (A collection of recipient and other Active Directory objects. Each address list can contain one or more types of objects (for example, users, contacts, groups, public folders, conferencing, and other resources))
IT, earth.sc.address mapperadresseringskredsløb
ITaddress markadressemærke
comp., MSaddress maskadressemaske (A number that, when compared by the computer with a network address number, will block out all but the necessary information. For example, in a network that uses XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY and where all computers within the network use the same first address numbers, the mask will block out XXX.XXX.XXX and use only the significant numbers in the address, YYY)
el.address messagefremadgående adressemeddelelse
el.address messageadresseinformation
ITaddress modificationadressemodifikation
ITaddress multiplexeradresse-multiplexer
comp., MSAddress NameAdressenavn (An attribute of the Address entity used to identify an address. It is a required field on the Address form)
econ., patents.address of place of businessforretningsadresse
stat.address of recordarbejdsformidlingsregister
law, tech.address of the partypartens bopæl
IT, tech.address partadressedel
ITaddress patternadressemønster
comp., MSaddress pooladressegruppe (The addresses within a DHCP scope range of addresses that are available for leased distribution to clients)
comp., MSaddress rangeadresseinterval (A contiguous range of IP addresses)
el.address recognitionadressegenkendelse
comp., MSaddress recordadressepost (A type of resource record in the Domain Name System that associates a specific IP address with a domain name. This is the record that contains the information that connects your domain name to your actual Web site content when people type your domain name into a browser)
stat., ITaddress reference fileadressereferencefil
ITaddress registeradresseregister
stat.address register areaadresseregisterområde
ITaddress resolutionadresseoversættelse
ITAddress Resolution ProtocolAddress Resolution Protocol
comp., MSaddress rewritingadressegenskrivning (Functionality available on Receive connectors and Send connectors on the Exchange Server 2007 Edge Transport server that lets e-mail administrators modify the SMTP addresses of senders and recipients on messages that enter and leave an Exchange organization. Address rewriting lets an organization present a consistent appearance to external recipients of messages from the organization)
comp., MSAddress Rewriting agentagent til adressegenskrivning (An agent on the Receive connector and Send connector on a computer that has the Edge Transport server role installed, which lets e-mail administrators modify the addresses of senders and recipients on messages that enter and leave an Exchange Server 2007 organization)
comp., MSAddress Rewriting Inbound agentagent til indgående adressegenskrivning (Address Rewriting agent for messages that enter an Exchange Server 2007 organization)
comp., MSAddress Rewriting Outbound agentagent til udgående adressegenskrivning (Address Rewriting agent for messages that leave an Exchange Server 2007 organization)
ITaddress searchadressesøgning
IT, el.address selection logicadresseudvælgelseslogik
ITaddress selection switchadresse-selektionskobler
el.address separatoradresseseparator
el.address signaladressesignal
el.address signal completeadressesignal modtaget
ITaddress sizeadresselængde
ITaddress spaceadresserum
ITaddress spaceadresseringsområde
ITaddress spaceprocesadresseringsområde
IT, life.sc.address spaceadressedel
gen.address stampsadressestempler
ITaddress stopadressestop
ITaddress strobeadressestrobe
ITaddress strobeadressepuls
ITaddress strobeadresseimpuls
ITaddress structureadresseopbygning
ITaddress structureadressestruktur
ITaddress substitutionadressesubstitution
ITaddress tableadressetabel
polit.to address the Courtforhandle
lawaddress the Courtforhandle
polit., lawaddress the Court through an agent, adviser or lawyerforhandle gennem en befuldmægtiget,rådgiver eller advokat
lawaddress the Court through their representativesforhandle mundtligt gennem sin rettergangsfuldmægtig
IT, tech.address trackadressespor
ITaddress translationaddresseoversætter
ITaddress translationadresse-oversættelse
comp., MSaddress verification service The service that is provided by a credit card processor that validates that the billing address provided by a card holder matches the information on file with the issuing bankadressebekræftelsestjeneste (AVS)
ITaddress wireadressetråd
commun., ITaddressing errorukorrekt adressering
IT, earth.sc.addressing memory by pageadressere hukommelsen pr side
ITaddressing systemadresseret system
comp., MSaggressive address acquisition retrynyt forsøg på aggressiv adressehentning (A registry setting that allows the DHCP client to transmit more messages to the server to obtain an IP address when the PC is in connected standby mode. This setting can increase power consumption but can also help resolve IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) problems more quickly)
transp., avia.aircraft addressluftfartøjsadresse
ITalphabetic addressingalfabetisk adressering
ITalphanumeric addressalfanumerisk adresse
comp., MSalternate e-mail addressalternativ mailadresse (An e-mail address to which password reset information can be sent if a customer forgets the password portion of their Windows Live ID)
IT, dat.proc.base addressforeløbig adresse
IT, dat.proc.base addressbasisadresse
IT, tech.base addressstartpunkt
IT, tech.base addressadressekonstant
ITbase address registerbasisadresseregister
fin., ITbeneficiary name and addressbeneficiantens navn og adresse
fin., ITbeneficiary's financial institution name and addressnavn og adresse af beneficiantens finansielle institution
ITbi-directional data/address flowoverførsel af data/adresser
comp., MSbilling addressfaktureringsadresse (The address to which the invoice for products ordered should be sent)
comp., MSbilling address informationoplysninger om faktureringsadresse (The complete set of bill-to address information that makes up the full postal address)
comp., MSbill-to addressfaktureringsadresse (The address to which the invoice for products ordered should be sent)
el.binary addressingbinær adressering
ITblock slave address generatorblokslave adressegenerator
ITbranch addressforgreningsadresse
commun., ITbroadcast addressspredningsadresse
comp., MSbroadcast addressbroadcastadresse (An Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address that is destined for all hosts on a particular network segment)
lawbusiness addressforretningsadresse
ITbyte addressbyte adresse
ITbyte addressoktetadresse
ITbyte addressingoktet-adressering
ITbyte addressingbyte adressering
IT, earth.sc.cache-address tagcache memory adresseetiket
IT, tech.calculated addressberegnet adresse
commun.call addressabonnentnummer
ITcapability based addressingbeføjelsesbaseret adressering
IT, dat.proc.cell addresscelleadresse
commun.changed address interceptionindgreb ved ændret adresse
el.changed address service signalservicesignal ved ændret adresse
el.channel address wordkanal-adresseord
el.channel address wordkanal-adresse-ord
fin., commun.charge for collection from the sender's addressgebyr for opsamling på afsenderadresse
fin., commun.charge for collection from the sender's addressgebyr for afhentning på afsenderadresse
gen.closing addressafslutningstale
comp., MScluster network addressklyngenetværksadresse (The network (media access control) address for the network adapter that is to be used for handling client-to-cluster traffic in a Network Load Balancing cluster)
ITcolumn address strobesøjleadressepuls
ITcolumn address strobeCAS-signal
commun.common temporary address pointerfælles midlertidig adressepositionsgiver
gen.contact addresskontaktadresse
comp., MScontract addresskontraktadresse (The postal location that correspondence should be mailed to about a contract)
ITcontrolling the sequence of 4 bits addresseskredsløb til kontrol af rækkefølgen af 4 bits adresser
fin.cost of maintaining an address for serviceudgifter i forbindelse med valg af adresse
ITcylinder addresscylinderadresse
ITdata addressdataadresse
ITdeferred addressopsat adresse
IT, tech.deferred addressingopsat adressering
comp., MSdelivery addressleveringsadresse (The location to which goods are to be sent)
IT, transp.destination addressmåladresse
ITdestination addressdestinations-adresse
el.destination addressdestinationsadresse
environ.dialogue on long-term cooperative action to address climate change by enhancing implementation of the Conventiondialog om en langsigtet samarbejdsindsats om at imødegå klimaændringer ved at styrke konventionens gennemførelse
ITdirect addressdirekte adresse
ITdirect addressingdirekte adressering
ITdirect reference addressdirekte reference-adresse
commun., transp.discrete address beacon systemadresseselektivt sekundærradarsystem
el.dot sequential addressingpunkt-sekventiel adressering
ITdouble word addressingdobbeltords-adressering
el.dual frequency addressingtofrekvensadressering
ITdummy addresspseudoadresse
ITdynamic address translationdynamisk adresse-oversættelse
el.dynamic addressingdynamisk adressering
IT, dat.proc.effective addressaktuel adresse
IT, dat.proc.effective addresseffektiv adresse
ITeffective operand addresseffektiv operandadresse
el.electrical addressingelektrisk adressering
med.electrochemical addressingDNA-baseret elektrokemisk identifikation
comp., MSe-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by themailadresse
comp., MSe-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by thee-mailadresse
comp., MSemail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by themailadresse
comp., MSe-mail address harvestingindsamling af mailadresser (The process of collecting new e-mail addresses, through legitimate or illegitimate means, for the purpose of adding them to a spam database)
comp., MSevent addresshændelsesadresse (An address similar to a URL that provides network access to an event, such as a live broadcast. Attendees go to this address to view the event from their computers)
ITexplicit addressabsolut adresse
IT, el.explicit addressexplicit adressering
IT, el.explicit addressexplicit adresse
IT, el.explicit addressingexplicit adressering
commun.extended address field bitudvidelsesbit til adressefelt
IT, el.extended addressingudvidet adressering
ITextension of postal O/R address componentsudvidede O/R-adressefelter for postadresser
ITexternal address-busekstern adressebus
ITexternal address busekstern adressebus
ITfast initialization at the address specifiedhurtig initialisering ved adressen
ITfile addressingfil-adressering
ITfirst level addressdirekte adresse
ITfirst level addressabsolut adresse
ITfloating symbolic addressflydende symbolsk adresse
comp., MSforeign addressfremmed adresse (Any address type that the MS Mail postoffice does not have a gateway or access component installed for routing)
comp., MSforeign-addressekstern adresse (A deprecated function in List Processor (Lisp), specifying the location of a foreign object which takes the form of a Lisp integer, a Lisp vector, or a foreign-pointer instance)
ITformatted postal O/R addressformatteret O/R-adresse
el.forward address messageadresseinformation
el.forward address messagefremadgående adressemeddelelse
ITfour address"fire adresse"-metode
mech.eng.framed addressing machine stencilindrammede stencils til brug i adresseringsmaskiner
IT, dat.proc.functional addressfunktionsadresse
IT, transp.functional addressingfunktionel adressering
IT, tech.generated addressberegnet adresse
commun., ITgeneric addressgenerisk adresse
IT, el.geographic address of the removable componentgeografisk adresse på den flytbare komponent
lawto give an address for service of processvælge processuel bopæl
lawto give an address for service of processvælge procesdomicil
lawto give an address for service of processvælge et domicil
lawto give an address for service of process in the jurisdiction of the court applied tovælge en processuel bopæl i retskredsen for den ret,som begæringen indgives til
comp., MSglobal address bookglobalt adressekartotek (A complete list of party records)
comp., MSglobal address listglobal adresseliste (An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server)
comp., MSglobal address list synchronizationsynkronisering af global adresseliste (The process of synchronizing the global address list from one Exchange deployment with another)
commun., ITglobal broadcast destination service access point addresspunktadresse for serviceacces til global spredningsdestination
commun., ITglobal broadcast DSAP addresspunktadresse for serviceacces til global spredningsdestination
commun., ITglobal network addressing domainglobalt netværksadresseringsområde
commun., ITglobal network addressing domainglobalt netværksadresseringsdomæne
gen.Gracious Speech/Addresstrontale
el.ground addressjordstation
IT, dat.proc.group addressgruppeadresse
gen.group addressgruppeadressering
ITgroup address messagemeddelelse med gruppeadressering
ITgroup addressinggruppekald
ITgroup addressingflerabonnentkald
IThardware addressmaskinel adresse
lawto have an address for service:to specify a particular address for servicevælge et hjemting
gen.to have an address for service:to specify a particular address for servicetræffe bestemmelse om et særligt værneting
fin.he gives his address for service ashan vælger en processuel bopæl i...
fin.he gives his address for service ashan vælger adresse i
comp., MShierarchical address bookhierarkisk adressekartotek (A feature of Outlook that allows members of an organization to be displayed in a tree view control, grouped by department)
IT, dat.proc.high addresshøj adresse
comp., MShome addressprivatadresse (The postal address at which a person is normally resident)
comp., MShyperlink addresslinkadresse (The path to a destination such as an object, document, or Web page. A hyperlink address can be a URL (address to an Internet or intranet site) or a UNC network path (address to a file on a local area network))
comp., MShyperlink addresshyperlinkadresse (The path to a destination such as an object, document, or Web page. A hyperlink address can be a URL (address to an Internet or intranet site) or a UNC network path (address to a file on a local area network))
IT, tech.immediate addressøjeblikkelig adresse
IT, tech.immediate addressumiddelbar adresse
IT, dat.proc.immediate addressingimmediate adressering
IT, tech.implied addressingimplicit adressering
gen.inaugural addressvelkomsttale
gen.inaugural addressåbningstale
gen.inaugural addressindvielsestale
IT, dat.proc.indexed addressvariabel adresse
IT, dat.proc.indexed addressindekseret adresse
IT, el.indexed addressingindexeret adressering
law, patents.to indicate an address for service in a Stateangive en valgt adresse i en stat
lawto indicate an address for service in the State in questionangive en valgt adresse i den pågældende stat
IT, tech.indirect addressindirekte adresse
ITindirect address wordindirekte adresseord
ITindirect addressingindirekte adressering
ITinherent addressingbasal adressering
ITinput address unitindgangsadresseenhed
fin., ITinstructing financial institution name and addressordregivende finansielle institutions navn og adresse
IT, tech.instruction addressordreplads
IT, tech.instruction addressordreadresse
ITinstruction address registerordretæller
ITinstruction addressing modesinstruktionsadresseringsmodi
fin., ITintermediary financial institution name and addressnavn og adresse af den intermediære finansielle institution
fin., ITintermediary reimbursement financial institution name and addressnavn og adresse af den intermediære finansielle institution for refundering
ITinternet addressinternetadresse
ITinternet addresswebadresse
comp., MSInternet addressinternetadresse (An address for a resource on the Internet that is used by Web browsers to locate Internet resources. An Internet address typically starts with a protocol name, followed by the name of the organization that maintains the site; the suffix identifies the kind of organization it is)
econ.Internet addressinternetadresse
commun., ITInternet addressingtildeling af adresseressourcer på internettet
comp., MSIP addressIP-adresse (A binary number that uniquely identifies a host (computer) connected to the Internet to other Internet hosts, for the purposes of communication through the transfer of packets)
comp., MSIP address maskIP-adressemaske (A range of IP addresses defined so that only computers with IP addresses within the range are allowed access to an Internet service. To mask a portion of the IP address, replace it with the asterisk wild card character (*))
ed.keynote addresshovedtale
ITload addressladeadresse
commun.local addresslokaladresse
commun.local loopback addresslokal loopback-adresse
commun., ITlocal node addresslokal net-enhedsadresse
comp., MSloopback addresstilbagekoblingsadresse (The address of the local computer used for routing outgoing packets back to the source computer. This address is used primarily for testing)
IT, dat.proc.low addresslav adresse
comp., MSMAC addressMAC-adresse (A 12-digit hexadecimal address that is preprogrammed into a computer's network adapter, and that uniquely identifies that computer on the network)
ITMAC level addressMAC-adresse
ITmachine addressabsolut adresse
gen.mailing addresspostadresse
comp., MSmailing addresspostadresse (The location to which products that have been ordered should be sent)
stat., ITmaster address filemasteradressefil
ITmedia access control level addressMAC-adresse
ITmemory addresslageradresse
comp., MSmemory addresshukommelsesadresse (A portion of computer memory that can be allocated to a device or used by a program or the operating system. Devices are usually allocated a range of memory addresses)
IT, dat.proc.memory addressinggenerering af hukommelsesadresse
ed., ITmemory addressing capabilitylageradresseringsmuligheder
IT, dat.proc.memory addressing cardlageradresseringskort
ITmemory and I/O addresslager og I/O adresse
commun.message addressadresse
commun.method of addressadresseringsmåde
ITmicroprocessor address pathmikroprocessorens adresseringsvej
ITmicroprocessor addressing capacitymikroprocessorens adresseringskapacitet
ITmicroprocessor addressing modesmikroprocessor adresseringsmodi
el.mixed addressingblandet adressering
commun., ITmnemonic addressmnemoteknisk adresse
ITmnemonic O/R addressmemoteknisk O/R-adresse
comp., MSmobile addressMobiladresse (An email address that's attached to a mobile phone by a mobile provider and used for messaging transmitted over an email service)
ITmodified addressændret adresse
ITmodified addressmodificeret adresse
commun., ITmulti-address callfleradresseopkald
ITmulti-address calludsendelse
commun., ITmulti-address callingfleradresseopkald
IT, tech.multi-address instructionfleradresse-ordre
ITmulti-address messageudsendelse
ITmulti-address messagemeddelelse med flere adresser
commun.multi-address telex callfleradresse-telexmeddelelse
commun., ITmulticast addressgruppeadresse
comp., MSmulticast address resolution servicemulticast-adresseoversættelsestjeneste (A service for resolving multicast IP addresses to the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) addresses of the clients that have joined that multicast group. MARS can work in conjunction with the multicast server (MCS) and clients to distribute multicast data through point-to-multipoint connections)
IT, tech.multilevel addressindirekte adresse
work.fl., ITmultilevel addressingindirekte adressering
IT, tech.multiple address instructionfleradresse-ordre
commun., ITmultiple addressingadressering til flere adresser
commun.multiple lines at the same addressfællesnummer
IT, earth.sc.multiplexed address transmissionmultiplekseret overførsel af adresse
ITmultiplexing the address busmultiplexe en adressebus
ITN-address instructionN-adresse ordre
lawname and address of the intervenerintervenientes navn og adresse
law, tech.names and addresses of the partiesparternes navne og adresser
commun.network addressadresse
commun.network addressnetadresse
fin., commun., ITnetwork addressnetværksadresse
ITnetwork address translationNetwork Address Translation
comp., MSnetwork address translationoversættelse af netværksadresser (An Internet Protocol (IP) translation process that allows a network with private addresses to access information on the Internet)
commun., ITnetwork addressing authoritynetværksadresseringsmyndighed
commun., ITnetwork addressing authoritynetværksadresseringsautoritet
ITnetwork addressing domainnetværksadresseringsområde
ITnetwork user addressnetwork user address
ITnetwork user addressnetbrugeradresse
ITN-level addressadresse med N niveauer
comp., MSnotification subscriber addressadresse på meddelelsesabonnent (A package that contains information about how to reach a particular user. It includes items such as the protocol to use and the target address)
transp.notify addressnødhjælpsadresse
fin.notify addressnødadresse
ITnumeric O/R addressnumerisk O/R-adresse
gen.office addresskontoradresse
comp., MSoffline address bookofflineadressekartotek (A snapshot of information from an address book that has been downloaded so that an Outlook user can access it while disconnected from the server. It contains the properties of a user, such as e-mail addresses, that Outlook requires to send an e-mail message and display information about the sender)
comp., MSoffline address book distributiondistribution af offlineadressekartotek (The method by which the offline address book (OAB) can be accessed by users when they are working remotely or over a dial-up connection. To distribute the OAB, administrators can use Web-based distribution, public folder distribution, or both. Public folder distribution is required for Outlook 2003 or earlier clients)
comp., MSoffline address book distribution pointdistributionspunkt for offlineadressekartotek (The HTTP Web address or public folder where client computers can download an offline address book. Public folder distribution is required for Outlook 2003 or earlier clients)
comp., MSoffline address book generationoprettelse af offlineadressekartotek (The process by which Exchange Server creates and updates the OAB. Administrators can define when the OAB generation process will run)
IT, tech.one-address instructionen-adresse struktur
ITone-address machineen-adresse maskine
ITone-address messagemeddelelse med en adresse
ITone-level addressdirekte adresse
ITone-level addressingdirekte adressering
gen.opening addressvelkomsttale
gen.opening addressindvielsestale
gen.opening addressåbningstale
IToperand addressoperandadresse
el.optical addressingoptisk adressering
ITO/R addressadresse
ITO/R addressO/R-adresse
fin.originator name and addressordregivers navn og adresse
fin.originator's financial institution name and addressnavn og adresse af ordregivers finansielle institution
comp., MSother e-mail addressanden e-mailadresse (The address by which a Exchange Server recipient object is recognized in a foreign messaging system. In Outlook Live, proxy addresses let people receive e-mail that is sent to different e-mail addresses)
ITpage addresssideadresse
polit.parties' written statements and addresses to the Courparternes skriftlige og mundtlige indlæg
gen.per addressafleveres hos
polit., lawperson's address for servicemodtagerens valgte adresse
polit., lawperson's address for serviceaf modtageren valgt adresse
comp., MSphysical address expansionfysisk adresseudvidelse (A feature that allows x86-based computers to support more than 4 gigabytes (GB) of physical memory. Up to 64 GB of physical memory can be used as regular 4-kilobyte (KB) pages, and the number of bits that can be used by the kernel to address physical memory can be expanded from 32 to 36)
comp., MSphysical address extensionfysisk adresseudvidelse (A feature that allows x86-based computers to support more than 4 gigabytes (GB) of physical memory. Up to 64 GB of physical memory can be used as regular 4-kilobyte (KB) pages, and the number of bits that can be used by the kernel to address physical memory can be expanded from 32 to 36)
IT, transp.physical address of the device sending the messagefysisk adresse på den anordning,der afgiver meddelelsen
commun., ITphysical delivery address componentstilgangselementer for fysisk udbringning
commun., ITphysical delivery office address componentskontoradresseelementer for fysisk udbringning
gen.Please send the Conference Organisation Department a list of your delegates to this meeting as soon as possible. E-mail address: ... fax ....Deltagerliste bedes snarest fremsendt til Konferencetjenesten/Organisation. E-mailadresse: ... fax: ...
fin., commun., ITpostal addresspostadresse
ITpostal O/R addressO/R-postadresse
ITpostal O/R address componentselementer af O/R-postadresse
commun., ITpresentation addresspræsentationsadresse
IT, dat.proc.presumptive addressforeløbig adresse
IT, dat.proc.presumptive addressbasisadresse
comp., MSprimary e-mail addressprimær e-mailadresse (The e-mail address that appears in the E-Mail Options section of the user's mailbox in the Web management interface for Outlook Live)
patents.printed matter, cardboard and cardboard articles and tickets, newspapers, periodical publications, brochures, books and stationery, writing instruments, address books and diaries, personal organisers, photographs and posters, playing cards, greeting cards, postcards, maps and picturestryksager, pap og papvarer og billetter, aviser, tidsskrifter, brochurer, bøger og papirvarer, skriveredskaber, adressebøger og dagbøger, personlige planlægningskalendere, fotografier og plakater, spillekort, lykønskningskort, postkort, kort og billeder
gen.private addressprivat adresse
gov.private address : country - district - address - telephoneprivat adresse : land - sted - adresse - telefon
ITprogram address counterordreregister
stat.program for address list supplementationprogram til adresselistesupplering
comp., MSproxy addressproxyadresse (The address by which a Exchange Server recipient object is recognized in a foreign messaging system. In Outlook Live, proxy addresses let people receive e-mail that is sent to different e-mail addresses)
polit., commun., construct.public address systemlydanlæg
polit., commun., construct.public address systemhøjtaleranlæg
el.public address amplifiermegafon
el.public address amplifierhøjttalerforstærker
el.public address microphonehøjttaleranlæg
commun.public address systempersonkaldeanlæg
gen.public address systemhøjttaleranlæg
IT, dat.proc.range addressområdeadresse
comp., MSreal addressabsolut adresse (An absolute (machine) address specifying a physical location in memory)
ITreal address and virtual address operating mode systemsandt og virtuelt adresse driftsystem
fin., ITreceiver name and addressmodtagers navn og adresse
fin., ITreceiver's correspondent name and addressnavn og adresse for modtagerkorrespondent
el.redirected-to-new-address signalsignal for opkald viderestillet til ny adresse
el.redirection addressviderestillings-adresse
el.redirect-to-new-address signalsignal for viderestilling til ny adresse
IT, dat.proc.reference addressforeløbig adresse
ITreference addressindirekte adresse
IT, dat.proc.reference addressbasisadresse
IT, dat.proc.register memory addressingregisterlageradressering
IT, dat.proc.register memory addressing cardregisterlageradresseringskort
commun., ITregistered addressregistreret adresse
comp., MSrelative addressrelativ adresse (A location, as in a computer's memory, that is specified in terms of its distance (displacement or offset) from a starting point (base address))
IT, tech.relative addressingrelativ adressering
commun., ITrelative geographic addressrelativ geografisk adresse
ITrelocatable code,addressing modesrelokerbar kode,adresseringsmodi
commun.request for alteration of addressanmodning om adresseændring
IT, el.return addressreturadresse
comp., MSreturn addressafsenderadresse (The sender's address, to which a letter or parcel can be returned if undeliverable)
commun.reverse address resolution protocolRARP-protokol
commun., ITselective addressingselektivt opkald
IT, tech.self-relative addressingselvrelativ adressering
el.self-shift addressingselvskiftende adressering
el.self-shift addressingautomatisk adressering
lawto send out election addressesuddele/udsende valgmateriale
comp., MSSender AddressAfsenderadresse (A plug-in that enables users to quickly insert an HTML tag into the body of an email message that displays the mailing address of the sender)
fin., ITsender name and addressafsenders navn og adresse
fin., ITsender's correspondent name and addressnavn og adresse for afsenderkorrespondent
IT, dat.proc.sequence addresspointer
IT, dat.proc.sequence addresspeger
comp., MSserver addressserveradresse (The name of a server that identifies the owner of that name in a hierarchical format)
commun., ITN-service-access-point addresset lags adresse
commun., ITservice-access-point-address of a layeret lags adresse
comp., MSshared address bookdelt adressekartotek (An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server)
comp., MSShared Address InformationOplysninger om adresse til delt session (An IP address of the OneNote session that is being shared with other users)
comp., MSshared address spacedelt adresseområde (A Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address space or domain suffix that is shared by two different messaging systems. For example, you may have to share the SMTP address space between Microsoft Exchange and a third-party e-mail system, or between Exchange environments that are configured in different Active Directory forests. In these scenarios, users in each e-mail system have the same domain suffix as part of their e-mail addresses)
comp., MSshipping addressleveringsadresse (The location to which products that have been ordered should be sent)
comp., MSship-to addressleveringsadresse (The location to which products are to be sent)
el.short addresskort nummer
comp., MSsign-up addresstilmeldingsadresse (An e-mail address that a user can create to use when they buy products online or register for updates from a Web site and don't want to use their main e-mail address)
ITsingle-level addressetniveausadresse
commun.sorting machine which can read whole addressessorteringsmaskine som læser hele adressen
IT, transp.source address of responsekildeadresse for svar
commun., ITsource node addressadresse for kildenet-enhed
commun., ITsource-transport-addresskildeoverførselsadresse
commun., ITsource-transport-addresskilde-transport-adresse
ITspecific addressabsolut adresse
IT, dat.proc.start addressstartadresse
ITstarting addressstartadresse
ITstarting addressbegyndelsesadresse
gen.State of the Union addresstale om Unionens tilstand
gen.State of the Union addressUnionens tilstand
ITStatic IP addressstatisk IP-adresse
commun., ITstation addressadresse på station
commun., ITstation addressstationsadresse
ITstorage address display lightslageradresseindikatorlamper
commun., ITstreet addressgadenavn
ITsubnetwork addresssubnettilslutnings-adresse
ITsubnetwork point of attachment addresssubnettilslutnings-adresse
IT, dat.proc.succeeding addresspointer
IT, dat.proc.succeeding addresspeger
polit., lawsurname, forenames, description and address of the witnessvidnernes fulde navn,stilling og adresse
IT, tech.symbolic addresssymbolisk adresse
ITsymbolic addressingsymbolsk adressering
IT, tech.synthetic addressberegnet adresse
stat., ITtape address registerbåndadresseregister
IT, transp.target addressmåladresse
commun.telegraphic addresstelegramadresse
ITterminal O/R addressO/R-terminaladresse
commun., ITtest addresstestadresse
IT, tech.tester addresstesterens adresse
polit.the application shall state an address for service in the place where...I stævningen angives en valgt adresse på det sted, hvor ...
law, econ.the Commission shall, where necessary, address appropriate directives to...Kommissionen meddeler, såfremt det er påkrævet, ...passende direktiver
law, fin.the ECB shall address an annual report on the activities of the ESCB and on the monetary policy of both the previous and current year to the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, and also to the European CouncilECB fremsender en årsberetning om ESCB's aktiviteter og om den monetære politik i det foregående og det indeværende år til Europa-Parlamentet, Rådet og Kommissionen og også til Det Europæiske Råd
lawthe parties may address the Court only through their representatives or their lawyersparterne kan kun forhandle mundtligt gennem deres rettergangsfuldmægtig eller deres advokat
el.thermal addressingtermisk adressering
ITthird level addresstredieniveau adresse
ITthird level addressoperand-adresse
ITthird-order addresstredieordens adresse
IT, el.three-address instructiontreadresseordre
IT, el.three-address instructiontreadresseinstruktion
ITthree-address machinetre-adresse maskine
comp., MStransport addresstransportadresse (The transport-specific identification for the location to which messages are sent or from which messages are received)
ITunformatted postal O/R addressuformateret O/R-postadresse
ITunit addressenhedsadresse
ITupper address-bitupper-adressebit
comp., MSusername (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding thebrugernavn
IT, dat.proc.variable addressindekseret adresse
IT, dat.proc.variable addressvariabel adresse
el.vector addressingvektor-adressering
IT, dat.proc.view addressadresse på vist celle
ITvirtual addressvirtuel adresse
comp., MSvirtual addressvirtuel adresse (In a virtual memory system, the address the application uses to reference memory. The kernel and the memory management unit (MMU) translate this address into a physical address before the memory is actually read or written)
IT, dat.proc.virtual address lockvirtuel adresselås
comp., MSvirtual IP addressvirtuel IP-adresse (An IP address that is shared among the hosts of a Network Load Balancing cluster. A Network Load Balancing cluster might also use multiple virtual IP addresses, for example, in a cluster of multihomed Web servers)
comp., MSWeb addresswebadresse (An address that uniquely identifies a location on the Internet. A URL is usually preceded by http://, as in http://www.microsoft.com. A URL can contain more detail, such as the name of a page of hypertext, often with the file name extension .html or .htm)
comp., MSweb addresswebadresse (An address that uniquely identifies a location on the Internet. A URL is usually preceded by http://, as in http://www.microsoft.com. A URL can contain more detail, such as the name of a page of hypertext, often with the file name extension .html or .htm)
gen.welcome addressvelkomsttale
gen.welcome addressåbningstale
gen.welcome addressindvielsestale
IT, el.word and byte addressingord-og byteadressering
ITX.121 addressX.121-adresse
ITzero address instructionadresseløs ordre
IT, tech.zero-level addressumiddelbar adresse
IT, tech.zero-level addressøjeblikkelig adresse
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