
Terms for subject Politics containing System | all forms | exact matches only
Advisory Committee on information systems security SOG-ISGruppen af Højtstående Embedsmænd vedrørende Informationssystemers Sikkerhed
Advisory Committee on information systems security SOG-ISDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Informationssystemers Sikkerhed
Applications and IT Systems Development UnitEnheden for Udvikling af Applikationer og It-Systemer
Committee for administering the double-checking system without quantitative limits in respect of the export of certain steel products covered by the EC and the ECSC Treaties for the NIS countries Ukraine, Russian Federation and Kazakhstan having concluded an agreement on steel with the European Union 2000-2001Udvalget vedrørende Fællesskabsordningen for Dobbelt Kontrol uden Kvantitativ Begrænsning med Udførslen af visse Stålprodukter dækket af EKSF- og EF-traktaterne fra de SNG-lande Ukraine, Rusland og Kasakhstan, der har Indgået en Stålaftale med Den Europæiske Union 2000-2001
Committee for applying the regulation setting up the special system of assistance to traditional ACP suppliers of bananasUdvalget for den Særlige Ramme for Bistand til Traditionelle AVS-bananleverandører
Committee for the establishment of conditions for the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail systemUdvalget for Interoperabilitet i det Transeuropæiske Jernbanesystem for Højhastighedstog
Committee on application of the legislation concerning the definition and use of compatible technical specifications for the procurement of air traffic management equipment and systemsUdvalget for Regulering af Flytrafikken
Committee on the second general system for the recognition of professional education and trainingUdvalget for den Anden Generelle Ordning for Anerkendelse af Erhvervsuddannelser
Committee on the system of charging for the use of transport infrastructureUdvalget for Bogføring af de Udgifter, der er Forbundet med Infrastrukturerne for Transport
Common Emergency Communication and Information Systemfælles varslings- og informationssystem til kommunikation og udveksling af information
Common Relex Information SystemRelex-informationssystem
Common Relex Information SystemFælles Relex-informationssystem
Communication and Information Systems DirectorateDirektoratet for Kommunikations- og Informationssystemer
Communication and Information Systems DirectorateDirektorat 5 - Kommunikations- og informationssystemer
Community System for Access to DocumentationCentraltjenesten for Automatiseret Dokumentation
COREU Terminal Equipment SystemCortesysystemet
Directorate 5 - Communication and Information SystemsDirektorat 5 - Kommunikations- og informationssystemer
Directorate 5 - Communication and Information SystemsDirektoratet for Kommunikations- og Informationssystemer
Directorate for Communication and Information SystemsDirektorat 5 - Kommunikations- og informationssystemer
Directorate for Communication and Information SystemsDirektoratet for Kommunikations- og Informationssystemer
Directorate for Security, Safety and Communication and Information SystemsSikkerhed og kommunikations- og informationssystemer
Directorate for Security, Safety and Communication and Information SystemsDirektoratet for sikkerhed og kommunikations- og informationssystemer
Generalised System of Preferences Committee 1999-2001Udvalget til Forvaltning af Generelle Præferencer 1999-2001
Integrated Administration and Control System for Certain Community Aid SchemesIntegreret System for Forvaltning og Kontrol af visse EF-Støtteordninger
Integrated administration and control system for certain Community aid schemesDet integrerede system for forvaltning og kontrol af visse EF-støtteordninger
IT System Operational Authorityinformationsteknologisystemets driftsmyndighed
IT System Operational Authorityinformationsteknologisystemsdriftsmyndighed
IT System Operational AuthorityIT-systemets driftsmyndighed
Protocol on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bankprotokol om statutten for Det Europæiske System af Centralbanker og Den Europæiske Centralbank
Protocol on the system of public broadcasting in the Member Statesprotokol om offentlig radio- og tv-virksomhed i medlemsstaterne
regional advanced telecommunications systemsavancerede regionale telekommunikationssystemer
Security, Safety and Communication and Information SystemsDirektoratet for sikkerhed og kommunikations- og informationssystemer
Security, Safety and Communication and Information SystemsSikkerhed og kommunikations- og informationssystemer
Standing Committee on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheresDet Stående Udvalg for Indbyrdes Tilnærmelse af Medlemsstaternes Lovgivning om Materiel og Sikringssystemer til Anvendelse i Eksplosionsfarlig Atmosfære ATEX
Standing Committee on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres EXATDet Stående Udvalg for Indbyrdes Tilnærmelse af Medlemsstaternes Lovgivning om Materiel og Sikringssystemer til Anvendelse i Eksplosionsfarlig Atmosfære
Standing Committee on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres EXATDet Stående Udvalg for Indbyrdes Tilnærmelse af Medlemsstaternes Lovgivning om Materiel og Sikringssystemer til Anvendelse i Eksplosionsfarlig Atmosfære ATEX
Standing Committee on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheresDet Stående Udvalg for Indbyrdes Tilnærmelse af Medlemsstaternes Lovgivning om Materiel og Sikringssystemer til Anvendelse i Eksplosionsfarlig Atmosfære
SYSTEM-Specific Security Requirement Statementsystemspecifikt sikkerhedskrav
Systems Network Engineering and ArchitectureNetværksteknik og -arkitektur
Temporary committee of Inquiry into the Community Transit SystemDet Midlertidige Undersøgelsesudvalg om Ordningen for Fællesskabsforsendelse
Unit for Reengineering of the Financial Information SystemsEnheden for Omlægning af de Finansielle It-systemer
weekly market support systemugentlig støtteordning for markedet