
Terms for subject Medical containing Standard | all forms | exact matches only
bacteriological standardbakteriologisk norm
Benedict-Talbot standardsBenedict-Talbot's tabeller
Brenner standard formulaBrenner's normalformel
Chittenden standard dietChittenden diæt
dust interference standardsstøvnormer
German standard hooktysk standardkrog
Haffner-Schultz standard doseshaffner-Schultz standarddosen
health service standardstandard for sundhedssektoren
International Laboratory for Biological Standardsinternationale Laboratorium for biologiske standarder
international standard preparationinternationale standardpræparat
International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Numberinternationalt standardnummer for randomiserede, kontrollerede kliniske forsøg
international standard serumdet internationale standardserum
medical standard of data exchangemedicinsk standard for dataudveksling
orthodontic standardsortodontiske standarder
Ott standardOtt's mål
standard dosestandard dosis
standard dosingstandard dosis
standard errormiddelafvigelse
standard reference radiographstandardfilm
standard reference radiographreferencefilm
standard typesanskuelsestyper
standard vaccinestandartvaccine
standards of sexual behaviorkønskarakteristik
standards of sexual behaviourkønskarakteristik
uniform safety standards to protect the health of the general publicensartede sikkerhedsnormer til beskyttelse af befolkningens sundhed