
Terms for subject Life sciences containing Line of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
curvature of the plumb linelodkrumning
deflection of the plumb linelodafvigelse
disturbance of the plumb linelodliniesvingning
hyperbolic line of positionhyperbolsk geometrisk sted
indentation of the coast lineindskæring af kysten
indentation of the coast linevige
indentation of the coast linefremspring
interpolation of contour lineshøjdekurveinterpolation
line of apsidesapsidlinje
line of curvaturehovedkrumningslinje
line of equal distortionfortegnings isogram
line of least resistancelinje for mindste modstand
line of levellingnivellementslinje
line of levelsnivellementslinje
line of nodesknudelinje
line of seepagegennemsivningslinje
line of sightsigtelinje
lines of wave propagationortogonaler
lines of wave propagationbølgeortogonaler
map of skeleton linesskeletkort
method of position lines by altitudepositioneringsmetode med linjer med ens stjernehøjde
protection of coast linekystbeskyttelse
reduced length of the geodetic lineden geodætiske linjes reducerede længde