
Terms for subject General containing written-off | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
be written offсписываться (ABelonogov)
be written off as expenditureсписываться в расходы  (Alexander Demidov)
be written off as expenditureсписываться в расходы (Alexander Demidov)
be written off directly toсписываться непосредственно на (In this method, all bad debts are written off directly to the bad debts account, whether they arise from current or previous years' sales. Alexander Demidov)
be written off the balance sheetсписываться с баланса (Alexander Demidov)
be written off the booksсписываться с баланса (Alexander Demidov)
he wrote off for a catalogueон выписал себе каталог
indebtedness of insolvent debtors written off to lossesсписанная в убыток задолженность неплатёжеспособных дебиторов (счёт 007 ABelonogov)
method whereby expenses are written off in proportion to the volume of productsспособ списания расходов пропорционально объёму продукции (ABelonogov)
period over which expenses are written offсрок списания расходов (ABelonogov)
this year about three hundred volumes have been written offв этом году пришлось списать около трёхсот книг
write offсписывать со счетов
write offсчесть неубедительным (Tanya Gesse)
write offсписывать (на что-либо tanultorosz)
write offотказаться (от чего-либо)
write offисключить (Tanya Gesse)
write offотвергать (I noticed most people here don't even respect what other people have actually seen and are overly cynical.. (...) anyway, don't write things off so easily that you don't understand, it's arrogant. The most intelligent people on the planet have open minds. (unexplained-mysteries.com) • ... exploring things most people write off as impossible • Spooky talk from youngsters aged between two and six who claim to have lived and died before should not be written off as nonsense, hypnotist and past lives expert Tony Rae has warned. Rae, who was Chairman of The British Council of Professional Hypnotists for 25 years, was reacting to a study in the US which has documented over 2,200 cases where children have inexplicably given detailed accounts of events they could not possibly have known about. (dailymail.co.uk) ART Vancouver)
write offотослать письмо
write offсдать в архив
write offнаписать и отправить
write offсбрасывать со счетов
write offотписываться
write offписать с лёгкостью
write offаннулировать (долг и т. п.)
write offпоставить крест на (grafleonov)
write offвычёркивать (долг и т. п.)
write off againstсписывать на
write off againstсписать на
write off asсписывать со счетов как
write off 1947 as a bad financial yearсчитать, что тысяча девятьсот сорок седьмой год в финансовом отношении был неудачным
write off as a lossсписать на убытки (E.g.: At the end of the first quarter, Citicorp had written off as a loss 60 percent of its Argentine loans. nytimes.com Denis Lebedev)
write off as a lossсписывать на убытки (E.g.: At the end of the first quarter, Citicorp had written off as a loss 60 percent of its Argentine loans. nytimes.com Denis Lebedev)
write off as a lossсписать за счёт убытков (Alexander Demidov)
write off as nonsenseотмахиваться как от чепухи (Spooky talk from youngsters aged between two and six who claim to have lived and died before should not be written off as nonsense, hypnotist and past lives expert Tony Rae has warned. Rae, who was Chairman of The British Council of Professional Hypnotists for 25 years, was reacting to a study in the US which has documented over 2,200 cases where children have inexplicably given detailed accounts of events they could not possibly have known about. (dailymail.co.uk) ART Vancouver)
write off one's expensesсписывать расходы (в ежегодных налогах: Buying art is a great way to write off your expenses. You can depreciate it every year at 20% and over time, the art appreciates in value. What more can you ask for out of a tax write-off? ART Vancouver)
write off one's expensesсписать расходы (в ежегодных налогах: Buying art is a great way to write off your expenses. You can depreciate it every year at 20% and over time, the art appreciates in value. What more can you ask for out of a tax write-off? ART Vancouver)
write off the booksсписать c баланса (Alexander Demidov)
write off the debt as a lossпоставить крест на этом долге
write off the lost booksсписывать потерянные книги (so much for wear and tear, a certain amount of the stock, etc., и т.д.)
write off the mapстирать с лица земли
write off the meeting as a failureпризнать, что собрание сорвалось
written offсписанный
written offразбитый
written offразбившийся
written offпогибший
written offубитый
written offисключённый из списков
written-offразбившийся (о самолёте, автомобиле)
written-offсписанный (об имуществе, суммах)
written-off payablesсписанная кредиторская задолженность (Alexander Demidov)
written-off receivablesсписанная дебиторская задолженность (Alexander Demidov)
written-off reservesсписанные запасы (ABelonogov)