
Terms for subject General containing word of mouth | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Any gossip?' 'Nothing by word of mouth, only what I read.___-___ Ты слышала какие-нибудь новые сплетни?-Ничего не слышала, но кое-что вычитала в газете (D. du Maurier, 'Mary Anne', part II, ch. 2; Idioms (En-Ru) к версии ABBYY Lingvo x3)
‘Any gossip?' ‘Nothing by word of mouth, only what I read.'- Ты слышала какие-нибудь новые сплетни?-Ничего не слышала, но кое-что вычитала в газете (D. du Maurier, ‘Mary Anne', part II, ch. 2; Idioms (En-Ru) к версии ABBYY Lingvo x3 ssn)
bad word of mouthотрицательные отзывы (Ivan Pisarev)
by word of mouthустно (Alexander Demidov)
by word of mouthчерез знакомых (Alexander Demidov)
by word of mouthиз разговоров (We learn about each other by far by word of mouth. – Большую часть информации друг о друге мы узнаем из разговоров. VLZ_58)
by word of mouthсловесно
by word of mouthустно
by word of mouthиз уст в уста (matchin)
by word of mouthизустно (matchin)
demand smth. by word of mouthтребовать чего-л. в устной в письменной форме (in writing)
good word of mouthположительные отзывы (Ivan Pisarev)
he reported by word of mouthон доложил устно
negative word of mouthнегативные отзывы в сети (Ivan Pisarev)
negative word of mouthотрицательные отзывы (Ivan Pisarev)
positive word of mouthпозитивные отзывы в сети (Ivan Pisarev)
positive word of mouthположительные отзывы (Ivan Pisarev)
producers rely on word-of-mouth advertisingпродюсеры рассчитывают, что публика будет сама расхваливать фильм
tell by word of mouthживым словом рассказать
the myth the tale, the legend, etc. was passed down by word of mouthмиф и т.д. передавался из уст в уста (by oral tradition, etc., и т.д.)
the myth the tale, the legend, etc. was passed down by word of mouthмиф и т.д. передавался устно (by oral tradition, etc., и т.д.)
the producers rely on word-of-mouth advertisingпродюсеры рассчитывают, что публика будет сама расхваливать фильм
word of mouthбытие на слуху (Irene_deLaga)
word of mouthустная реклама (Ivan Pisarev)
word of mouthустная информация (Ivan Pisarev)
word of mouthрассказы из уст в уста (Ivan Pisarev)
word of mouthинформация из уст в уста (Ivan Pisarev)
word of mouthпередача из уст в уста (Ivan Pisarev)
word of mouthслухи (Ivan Pisarev)
word of mouthустный
word of mouthпередаваемый в устной форме
word of mouthсловесный (ВосьМой)
word of mouthиз уст в уста (Melissenta)
word of mouthсарафанное радио (olga.greenwood)
word of mouthмолва (Oleg Sollogub)
word of mouth marketingсарафанный маркетинг (Ivan Pisarev)
word of mouth marketingсарафанное радио (Oral or written recommendation by a satisfied customer to the prospective customers of a good or service. Considered to be the most effective form of promotion, it is also called word of mouth advertising which is incorrect because, by definition, advertising is a paid and non-personal communication. BD Alexander Demidov)
word-of-mouthсловесный (ВосьМой)
word-of-mouthпередаваемый в устной форме
word-of-mouthустные отзывы (Ремедиос_П)
word-of-mouthотзывы знакомых (Moviegoers can't help warning their friends to avoid or not miss the movie they saw recently. After an opening weekend there's often enough feedback circulating from such warnings that it has a significant effect on how many more people go to see the movie. Negative word-of-mouth is often attributed to highly publicised movies doing poorly after the opening weekend, while positive word-of-mouth can provide a poor opener with legs. Ремедиос_П)
word-of-mouth marketing"сарафанное радио" (Word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM, WOM marketing), also called word of mouth advertising, is an unpaid form of promotion–oral or written–in which satisfied customers tell other people how much they like a business, product, service, or event. According to Entrepreneur Media, word-of-mouth is one of the most credible forms of advertising because people who don't stand to gain personally by promoting something put their reputations on the line every time they make a recommendation. Wiki Alexander Demidov)