
Terms for subject British usage, not spelling containing well, well | all forms
be well shot ofизбавиться от ("to get (or be) rid of": No, my jerk boyfriend and I broke up a few months ago. Don't worry, I'm well shot of him. Bullfinch)
drainage well systemливневка (A storm drain, storm sewer (US), stormwater drain (Australia and New Zealand) or drainage well system (UK) or simply a drain or drain system is designed to drain excess rain and ground water from paved streets, parking lots, sidewalks, and roofs. Storm drains vary in design from small residential dry wells to large municipal systems. They are fed by street gutters on most motorways, freeways and other busy roads, as well as towns in areas which experience heavy rainfall, flooding and coastal towns which experience regular storms. Many storm drainage systems are designed to drain the storm water, untreated, into rivers or streams. WK Alexander Demidov)
excellently wellпревосходно (You did excellently well. What happened next? – Вы поступили превосходно. ART Vancouver)
it's all well and good but...всё это замечательно вот только... (Anglophile)
it's all well and good but...всё это замечательно (вот только... Anglophile)
jolly wellпросто-напросто ("From Miss Hemmingway. Miss Hemmingway! But–but how did they come into her possession?" "How?" I said. "Because she jolly well stole them. Pinched them! Swiped them! Because that's how she makes her living, dash it – palling up to unsuspicious people in hotels and sneaking their jewellery. I don't know what her alias is, but her bally brother, the chap whose collar buttons at the back, is known in criminal circles as Soapy Sid." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
know jolly wellпрекрасно известно (You know jolly well that ... – Вам прекрасно известно, что ... ART Vancouver)
not well-illuminated upstairsглупый, тупой (британский сленг, чтобы сильно не обижать человека kesan)
well coveredполный (VLZ_58)
well, did you ever?надо же (Liv Bliss)
well, I never!надо же (Liv Bliss)
well spotted"глазастый" (Madilama)
well spottedзаметивший то, что не увидели другие (разг. "There are your glasses, under the chair. – You are well spotted!". Madilama)
well-run shopхорошо работающий магазин