
Terms for subject Law containing war-time | all forms | in specified order only
at a time of warв военное время (I think at a time of war, I think at a time of recession, at a time where Americans have expressed rather significantly their concerns and frustrations over the course of the spring and summer about health care, about the economy, about a host of domestic issues . Obama has better things to do than stump for Chicago's olympic bid by McManus, John F. / The New American Officials fear bugs have been sown in the system and could be used to disrupt the vital networks at a time of war or crisis. US electricity grid hit by cyber attacks: report by AFP / AFP Global Edition Alexander Demidov)
derogation in time of war or other public emergencyотступление от соблюдения обязательств во время войны или в чрезвычайных ситуациях в обществе (vleonilh)
for a time of warна военное время (Alexander Demidov)
in time of peace and warв мирное и военное время (Alexander Demidov)
war-time economyэкономика военного времени