
Terms containing value hierarchies | all forms | in specified order only
busin.fair value hierarchyиерархия источников справедливой стоимости (Alexander Matytsin)
gen.hierarchy of fair value measurementиерархия оценки справедливой стоимости (Our concerns generally relate to the lower levels of the hierarchy of fair value measurement established in the ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.levels of hierarchy of fair value measurementуровни иерархии оценки справедливой стоимости (Level 1 Inputs: quoted (unadjusted) prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can assess at the measurement date. Level 2 Inputs: other than quoted prices (included within Level 1) that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. Level 3 Inputs: unobservable inputs for the asset or liability. Alexander Demidov)
SAP.tech.value hierarchiesиерархии значений
SAP.tech.value hierarchyиерархия значений
ling.value hierarchyиерархия ценностей