
Terms for subject Mathematics containing to a minimum | all forms | in specified order only
afford a minimum to Jдоставлять минимум J (in order that the curve g afford a minimum to J relative to neighboring admissible curves it is necessary that g satisfy the conditions)
go from the upper to the lower point in a minimum of timeпереходить от верхней точки к нижней
in order that the curve g afford a minimum to Jдля того, чтобы кривая g доставляла минимум J (relative to neighboring admissible curves it is necessary that g satisfy the conditions (2.1) that ...; ...)
it is not hard to show that I u does indeed have a unique minimum u in Kдействительно имеет единственный минимум
keep to a minimumсводить к минимуму
reduce to a minimumснижать до минимума
reduce to a minimumсводить к минимуму
reduce to a minimumсводить до минимума
the velocity has slowed to a minimumдо минимума