
Terms for subject General containing though as | all forms
after I took the medicine, I felt as though I'd never had any pain at allя принял лекарство и боли как не бывало
as thoughкак раз!
as thoughкак же!
as thoughякобы
as thoughкак если бы
as thoughкак если бы
as thoughкак будто бы
as thoughсловно
as thoughкак будто бы
as thoughбудто
as thoughкак бы
as thoughкак будто
as thoughможно подумать!
as thoughточно (Это союз, а не предлог)
as thoughточно
as thoughбудто бы
as though nothing had happenedкак будто ничего не случилось
as though petrifiedкак вкопанный (Nrml Kss)
as though you didn't know that!как будто бы вы этого не знали!
as though you own the placeвести себя по-хозяйски (Дмитрий_Р)
behave as though the place belongs to oneраспоряжаться как дома
behave as though the place belongs to oneраспорядиться как у себя дома
behave as though the place belongs to oneраспоряжаться как у себя дома
feel as thoughказаться
feel as thoughиметь ощущение как будто
he has come to treat her as though she were a childон привык обращаться с ней как с маленькой
he has got into the way of treating her as though she were a childон привык обращаться с ней как с маленькой
he looked up as though from approvalон поднял глаза, как бы ища одобрения
he looks as though he had been seriously illон выглядит как после тяжёлой болезни
he looks as though he had risen from the graveон выглядит так, словно встал из гроба
he made as though to leave the roomон сделал вид, будто собирается выйти из комнаты
he pushed me to the door and the other people looked on as though nothing were happeningон толкнул меня к двери, а другие стояли и смотрели на это, как будто ничего не происходит
he smiled as though he were glad to see usон улыбался, будто был рад видеть нас
he speaks Russian as though he were a native Russianон говорит по-русски, что твой русский
he spoke as though ...он говорил так, как будто
he spoke as though ...он говорил так, будто
he spoke to me as though I were a babe in armsон говорил со мной как с ребёнком
he walked fast as though trying to escapeон шёл быстро, словно стараясь скрыться
I feel as though I've known you for a long timeу меня такое чувство будто я вас давно знаю
I'll see this film out, though it isn't as good as I thought it would beя досмотрю этот фильм до конца, хотя он не такой хороший, как я думал
it isn't as thoughможно подумать (предваряет ложную предпосылку alikssepia)
it looks as though he's goneпохоже, что он ушёл
it looks as though it may rainпохоже на то, что пойдёт дождь
it looks as though it might rainпохоже, что пойдёт дождь
it looks as though it might rainпохоже, что пойдёт дождь
it looks as though we are going to have troubleпохоже на то, что у нас будут неприятности
it looks as though we are going to have troubleпохоже на то, видимо, у нас будут неприятности
it looks as though we are going to have troubleвидимо, у нас будут неприятности
it looks to me as thoughмне кажется, что (expressing an opinion ART Vancouver)
it seems as thoughкажется
it seems as thoughкак будто (бы)
it seems as thoughкак будто бы
it sounds as thoughпохоже, будто (Alex_Odeychuk)
it wasn't as thoughможно подумать (предваряет ложную предпосылку alikssepia)
it wasn't as thoughдело было не в том, что (alikssepia)
like as thoughтак, как если бы (Konstantin 1966)
look as thoughпохоже, что (Alex_Odeychuk)
make as thoughделать вид, будто
make as thoughпритворяться
my leg feels as though it was broken, I feel as if my leg was brokenу меня, кажется, сломана нога
she listened as though enchantedона слушала, точно зачарованная
the bird was careening from side to side as though there were wavesптица плавно покачивалась как будто на волнах
the clerk read off the instructions as though he knew them by heartслужащий сразу же так отбарабанил инструкцию, словно знал её наизусть
the clerk read off the instructions as though he knew them by heartклерк сразу же так отбарабанил инструкцию, словно знал её наизусть
though ... as someding is or doesкак бы ни (The word 'blog', though stupid as it sounds, has caught with pop culture to such an extreme that it would be impossible to change – слово "блог", как бы глупо оно ни звучало.. • I hate when people touch my neck, and though funny as it may seem, it actually really pisses me off – я ненавижу, когда к моей шее прикасаются и, как бы смешно это ни казалось, меня это буквально бесит • Тhe debt – large though it may be – must be placed within a broader political framework for development cooperation – Долг, как бы он ни был велик, должен рассматриваться в более широком аспекте политического сотрудничества в сфере развития Баян)