
Terms for subject Contextual meaning containing thatВ’s | all forms | in specified order only
and that's thatи только (I have known this gentleman for many years and have always accepted the fact that his success has come through sheer hard work – and that's that!)
as a general rule, my opinion is that military men must be kept out of it. It's folly to take their adviceя вообще считаю, что военных надо держать в стороне. Глупо с ними советоваться (Эренбург)
at least that's what I heardвроде бы (4uzhoj)
be fully prepared to do thatбыть полностью готовым к этому (букв. – сделать это theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
heavy is the head that wears the crownтяжела шапка Мономаха (примерное соответствие; The Shakespeare quote "uneasy is the head that wears a crown" is from Henry IV Part 2 is often now phrased as 'heavy is the head that wears the crown'. The phrase has become an English idiom meaning that those charged with major responsibility carry a heavy burden that makes it difficult for them to relax. nosweatshakespeare.com 4uzhoj)
it's just thatмало ли (при указании на неопределённость, неясность, неточность чего-либо: It's just that he could have sneaked in here silently when you were asleep... — Мало ли, проскользнул к вам тихонько, пока вы спали... Abysslooker)
that isконечно (как оговорка: I'll meet you in the city, that is, I will if the trains are running. 4uzhoj)
that's a shameзря (в контексте; в знач. "очень жаль, что": It looks like it might have been in decent shape, so that's a shame that he buried it like that. 4uzhoj)
that's affirmativeпринял (может переводиться и так; пример: "Go ahead, Ambulance 56." "Just reporting in. We're clear of the fire scene and headed for base." Dispatcher acknowledged, "That's affirmative, Ambulance 56. Seventeen forty-seven, return to base."" 4uzhoj)
that's grossжесть! (Tamerlane)
that's itтак! (так, хватит! стоп!: That's it! No more horseplay in the house. • Schneider clapped his hands loudly. "That's it, guys. Get out of here. Come on, show's over." 4uzhoj)
that's the way the cookie crumblesтут уж ничего не поделаешь (Bartek2001)
that's the way the cookie crumblesтут уж ничего не попишешь (Bartek2001)