
Terms for subject Religion containing ta-tas | all forms
ksina-moha-taксинамоха-та (In Jainism, the eleventh stage of spiritual development)
Ta hsuehВеликое учение
Ta'anitТаанит ("Fast", in Judaism, one of the 12 tractates of Mo'ed)
Ta-ch'eng ch'i-hsin lunМахаяна шраддхотпада шастра
ta'tilта'тил (Divesting God of all attributes; it is regarded as sin in Islamic theology)
Ta-ts'ang ChingТацан чин ("Great Storehouse Scripture", the total body of Buddhist literature deemed canonical in China and Japan and comprising works of the most varied character numbering more than 2,000 in the standard Chinese edition and more than 3,000 in the latest Japanese edition)
Ta-ts'ang ChingДайзокё
ta'wilта'вил (In Muslim terminology, allegorical interpretations; метод рационалистического или символико-аллегорического толкования Корана или сунны)
Yung-lo ta-tienВеликие документы эры Юнлу ("The Great Canon of the Yung-lo Era", Chinese compilation that was the world's largest known encyclopaedia)