
Terms containing staff personnel | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
mil., avia.Air Force, Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel Personnelзаместитель начальника штаба военно-воздушных сил по личному составу
mil.armored command staff personnel carrierкомандно-штабной БТР
mil., avia., BrEGeneral Staff, Personnelкадровое управление
mil., avia., BrEGeneral Staff, Personnelштаб сухопутных войск
mil.international staff personnel environmentинтернациональный состав персонала штаба
O&Gnon-staff personnel performing occasional works in servicing and maintenanceперсонал подрядчика (MichaelBurov)
O&Gnon-staff personnel performing occasional works in servicing and maintenanceвременный персонал (MichaelBurov)
O&Gnon-staff personnel performing occasional works in servicing and maintenanceперсонал, выполняющий разовые работы по обслуживанию и обеспечению работы
energ.ind.regulatory staff personnelперсонал службы регулирующего органа (напр., атомнадзора)
tech.regulatory staff personnelперсонал службы атомнадзора
geophys.seasonal expedition staff/personnelССЭ (сезонный состав экспедиции Logofreak)
EBRDstaff personnelперсонал
account.staff personnelфункциональный персонал (обеспечивающий принятие решений линейным персоналом)
account.staff personnelштабной персонал (обеспечивающий принятие решений линейным персоналом)
sec.sys.staff personnel accessдоступ штатных сотрудников
oil.proc.staff personnel assignments by geographic areaраспределение штатного персонала по географическим зонам (MichaelBurov)
oil.proc.staff personnel assignments by geographic regionраспределение штатного персонала по географическим регионам (MichaelBurov)
oil.proc.staff personnel assignments by refinery processing groupраспределение штатного персонала по технологическим группам НПЗ (MichaelBurov)
oil.proc.staff personnel assignments by refinery supply corridorраспределение штатного персонала по коридору поставок НПЗ (MichaelBurov)
gen.staff/personnel secondmentпредоставление работников и / или персонала Cardiff University Secondment Policy and Procedures 1. Policy Statement 1.1 Cardiff University supports the use of secondments, recognising them as • developmental for the individual, • an additional means of advancing career paths • adding to the skills base of the organisation • an opportunity to deal with short term or problematic work levels • an opportunity to build or develop further strong relationships with other businesses. Secondments vary in type and in many different circumstances. A fair and consistent procedure is used for all secondment arrangements across the University. [ ... ] 4.1 External (outgoing) secondments are used when a Cardiff University member of staff remains under contract with the University but is based with another organisation for a defined period of time. During such secondments, the member of staff retains all Cardiff University terms and conditions including continuous service rights and existing payment and pension arrangements. The SECONDMENT AGREEMENT with the host organisation will need to include financial arrangements. www.cardiff.ac.uk / humrs / resources / SECONDMENT POLICY.doc SECONDMENT: A partnership model which sees new functions formally given to employees for a temporary period of time. In the context of community business partnerships, these new duties involve the seconded staff to work with their community group partner, using their skills and knowledge for the benefit of the community group. Employees resume their former duties at the end of the secondment, with the aim being that they are enriched and have gained new knowledge from the period of secondment. Often a written agreement is needed when developing secondment models, with the model a form of skill or knowledge sharing. http:www.ourcommunity.com.au / business / view_article.jsp?art... SECONDMENT Secondment is the TEMPORARY TRANSFER OF AN EMPLOYEE TO ANOTHER DEPARTMENT OR ORGANISATION FOR A FIXED PERIOD usually to carry out a defined piece of work. The secondment may be for work at the same, or a higher grade. The person being seconded remains an employee of her or his home department or organisation http:www.bristol.ac.uk / careerframework / glossary / [Bristol University] SECONDMENT -- (the DETACHMENT OF A PERSON FROM THEIR REGULAR ORGANIZATION FOR TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENT ELSEWHERE) http:www.glossary.com / dictionary.php?q=secondment proz.com