
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing sort | all forms | exact matches only
he is not the timid sortон не робкого десятка
see this sort of thingsзаметить подобное состояние дел (Alex_Odeychuk)
see this sort of thingsувидеть подобную картину (Alex_Odeychuk)
sort the wheat from the chaffотделить зерна от плевел (With so many manuscripts arriving daily, it's a challenge to separate the wheat from the chaff and spot the really exceptional ones. • Some people are baffled by how to sort the wheat from the chaff when it comes to used bikes. raf)
sort the wheat from the chaffотделять зерна от плевел (Imagine you are able to slice through what you are told and sort the wheat from the chaff. Anglophile)
sort things outрасставить по своим местам (VLZ_58)
while things sort themselves outпока суд да дело (grafleonov)