
Terms containing sick note | all forms | in specified order only
gen.a doctor's sick noteбольничный лист (slitely_mad)
gen.a doctor's sick noteбюллетень (slitely_mad)
gen.a doctor's sick noteлисток нетрудоспособности (slitely_mad)
inf.doctor's sick noteбольничный (slitely_mad)
gen.electronic sick noteЭЛН (Alexander Demidov)
gen.electronic sick noteэлектронный листок нетрудоспособности (If the doctor deems the person as temporarily incapable to work, he prepares the electronic sick note with the assistance of EPTS and submits it to the Fund Board electronically. INPS rolls out eMED3 electronic sick note: Writing sick notes is now a much faster, more efficient process with an INPS update to its Vision system for GPs that includes compatibility with eMED3, the new electronic medical certificates. The software allows GPs to automatically generate, record and print MED3 sickness certificates, saving them time ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.sick noteсправка о болезни (context.reverso.net/ Aslandado)
SAP.sick noteбольничный лист
gen.sick noteлист нетрудоспособности (SergeiAstrashevsky)
gen.sick noteлисток нетрудоспособности (documentation that an employee is unfit for work wikipedia.org gtan)