
Terms for subject Microsoft containing sets | all forms | exact matches only
A logical disk has the dirty bit set.Логический диск имеет установленный "грязный" бит (Windows 8 Rori)
A set of mirrored query componentsнабор компонентов зеркального запроса (Office System 2010 Rori)
account setнабор счетов (A named group of ledger accounts)
an option group contains a set of option buttons, check boxes, or toggle buttonsГруппа переключателей содержит набор кнопок, флажков или выключателей. (Access 2007, Office System 2010 Rori)
ASCII character setнабор символов ASCII (A standard 7-bit code for representing ASCII characters using binary values; code values range from 0 to 127. Most PC-based systems use an 8-bit extended ASCII code, with an extra 128 characters used to represent special symbols, foreign-language characters, and graphic symbols)
association setнабор ассоциаций (A logical container for instances of associations of the same type)
authentication setнабор проверки подлинности (In IPsec, a collection of authentication methods that the client proposes during negotiation with the remote host)
availability setгруппа доступности (A group of virtual machines that are set up so that its members are guaranteed to be highly available. An availability set combines the operations of fault domains and update domains to help guard against hardware failures and host operating system updates, both of which cause virtual machine outages)
Average number of rows per result setсреднее число строк в результирующем наборе (Office System 2010 Rori)
backup setрезервный набор данных (A collection of files, folders, and other data that have been backed up and stored in a file or on one or more tapes)
backup setнабор архивации (A collection of files, folders, and other data that have been backed up and stored in a file or on one or more tapes)
banding settingпараметры диапазонов (A setting that defines thresholds, or boundaries between changes in indicator status)
Behavior Setнабор поведений (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
catalog setнабор каталогов (A group of one or more catalogs)
character setкодировка (A grouping of alphabetic, numeric, and other characters that have some relationship in common. For example, the standard ASCII character set includes letters, numbers, symbols, and control codes that make up the ASCII coding scheme)
clock settingзаданное время (The time to which a clock is set)
cofunctional mode setдополнительный набор режимов (The set of modes that are available for a particular source or target, given the constraints (for example, topology, modes pinned on other sources and targets) of a VidPN)
collection setнабор элементов сбора (A group of collection items with which a user can interact through the user interface)
column setнабор столбцов (An untyped XML representation that combines all the sparse columns of a table into a structured output)
config setнабор конфигурации
configuration setнабор конфигурации (A set of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) instances that share and replicate their configuration and schema partitions and that can also be configured to share and replicate application directory partitions)
copy setнабор-копия (A duplicate of the media master that Remote Storage copies to a different tape or disk. Copy sets are typically used for backup purposes)
counter setнабор счётчиков (A set of system performance counters that are useful to monitor during a load test. Counter sets are organized by technology, for example, ASP.NET or SQL counter sets)
counter set mapсопоставление набора счётчиков (An association between a counter set and a computer used during a load test. For example, a Web server might have ASP.NET, IIS, and .NET application counter set mappings)
crypto setнабор шифрования (A specific group of cryptography settings)
cryptographic setнабор шифрования (A specific group of cryptography settings)
data collector setгруппа сборщиков данных (A group of data collectors stored as a single object)
Data Collector Setнабор сборщиков данных (A computer management tool used to group data collectors into sets that run on the same schedule)
data setнабор данных (A collection of related information made up of separate elements that can be treated as a unit in data handling)
Default Field Setнабор полей по умолчанию (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
default result setрезультирующий набор по умолчанию (The default mode that SQL Server uses to return a result set back to a client. Rori)
default result setрезультирующий набор по умолчанию (The default mode that SQL Server uses to return a result set back to a client)
destination setнабор назначения (A set into which a resource moves because of a request that changes that resource's attributes)
dimension setнабор измерений (A named group of accounts or dimensions that contains either account values for the account or dimension values for a single dimension)
double byte character setдвухбайтовая кодировка (A character set that can use more than one byte to represent a single character. A DBCS includes some characters that consist of 1 byte and some characters that consist of 2 bytes. Languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean use DBCS; DBCS)
entity setнабор сущностей (A logical container for entities of a given type and its subtypes mapped to tables in a database)
extended character setрасширенная кодировка (Ding_an_sich)
feature setнабор компонентов (Windows Vista Rori)
field setнабор полей (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
File Set Descriptorдескриптор набора файлов
flicks setнабор жестов (A collection of gestures you can make with a tablet pen to quickly navigate and perform shortcuts)
frozen setнеизменяемое множество (it does not allow any changes to keys and values once it created microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
frozen setфиксированное множество (it does not allow any changes to keys and values once it created microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the remote proc trans configuration option is enabledВозвращает или задаёт значение логического свойства, которое показывает, включен ли параметр конфигурации remote proc trans (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
gets or sets the current day's viewвозвращает или устанавливает представление текущего дня (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
Gets or sets the width of the row header column.Получение или установка ширины столбца заголовков строк. (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
global term setглобальный набор терминов (A term set that is created by using the term store management tool. Rori)
Handle the set eventОбработать событие установки (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Handles the set eventОбрабатывает событие установки (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
highlighter settingпараметры маркёра (A setting that you can use to change the appearance of highlighter ink)
HTML form set directoryпапка HTML-форм (The directory in which customized HTML forms are located. HTML forms can be used to authenticate users when publishing Web-based Exchange servers)
indicates if the current day has been setуказывает, задана ли текущая дата (.NET Framework 3.5 ssn)
information setнабор сведений (microsoft.com bojana)
input setвходной набор (The set of data provided to a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) value expression upon which the expression operates)
input setвходной набор (The set of data provided to a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) value expression upon which the expression operates. Rori)
Internet not set up.Неверная настройка Интернета (Office System 2010 SP1 Rori)
license setнабор лицензий (A collection of Groove licenses assigned to management of a domain group or member)
Logical Disk Dirty Bit SetУстановлен бит "грязного" логического диска (Windows Server 2008 Rori)
managed metadata term setнабор терминов управляемых метаданных (Office System 2010 Rori)
media setнабор носителей (An ordered collection of backup media written to by one or more backup operations using a constant number of backup devices. Rori)
member setнабор элементов (A collection of members from a dimension)
metadata term setнабор терминов метаданных (Rori)
minimum set of dataминимальный набор данных (Andy)
mirrored media setзеркальный набор носителей (A media set that contains two to four identical copies (mirrors) of each media family. Restore operations require only one mirror per family, allowing a damaged media volume to be replaced by the corresponding volume from a mirror)
multibyte character setмногобайтовая таблица символов
multibyte character setмногобайтовая кодировка (MBCS)
multibyte character setмногобайтовая кодировка (A mixed-width character set, in which some characters consist of more than 1 byte. An MBCS is used in languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, where the 256 possible values of a single-byte character set are not sufficient to represent all possible characters)
multiple active result setмножественный активный результирующий набор (A SQL Server 2005 feature that provides the ability to have more than one pending request per connection, in particular to have more than one default result set open per connection. SQL Server 2000 and earlier restricted the programming model such that at any point in time there would be at most one pending request on a given session, blocking the driver from sending requests to the server until the entire result set is consumed)
multiple entity sets per typeнесколько наборов сущностей на тип (The ability for an entity type to be defined in more than one entity set)
named setименованный набор (A grouping of dimension members or items from a data source that are named and treated as a single unit and can be referenced or reused multiple times)
network service set identifierидентификатор набора сетевых служб (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network's SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters)
network service set identifierидентификатор набора сетевых служб (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network’s SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters. Rori)
New Saved Set Nameимя нового сохранённого набора (Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
object that is used to set the configuration optionобъект, используемый для задания параметра конфигурации (ssn)
option setнабор параметров (A type of field that contains a set of options. Rori)
option-set appearanceвид при установленном значении (The visual display for a control when its value is set. Rori)
ordered setупорядоченный набор (A set of members returned in a specific order)
origin setисходный набор (A set in which a resource belonged prior to a change in that resource's attributes)
permission setнабор разрешений (Andy)
RAISERROR statement (A Transact-SQL T-SQL statement that displays an error message and sets the инструкция RAISERROR
record setнабор записей (A data structure made up of a group of database records. It can originate from a base table or from a query to the table)
redo setнабор повтора (The set of all files and pages being restored)
reduced instruction set computingархитектура RISC
reference data setэталонный набор данных (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
replica setрепликации
replica setнабор реплик (One or more shared folders that participates in replication)
Replication database option "%1!s!" cannot be set unless the database is a publishing database or a distribution databaseПараметр базы данных репликации "%1!s!" не может быть задан, если только это не база данных издателя или распространителя (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
resiliency settingпараметр устойчивости (A setting indicating the resiliency of data on a virtual disk or storage space)
resource current setнабор текущих ресурсов (The collection of target resources at the time the request is received. Applies to "read", "delete" and "modify" operation types)
resource final setнабор итоговых ресурсов (The collection of target resources after the request has been processed. Applies to "create" and "modify" operation types only)
result setрезультат запроса
result setрезультирующий набор (данных) The set of records that results from running a query or applying a filter)
Returns a tuple from a specified set.Возвращает кортеж указанного набора (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
RODC filtered attribute setотфильтрованный набор атрибутов контроллера домена только для чтения (A dynamically configured set of attributes that are not replicated to a read-only domain controller (RODC). This prevents those attribute values from being revealed if an RODC is compromised. Rori)
RODC filtered attribute setотфильтрованный набор атрибутов контроллера домена только для чтения (A dynamically configured set of attributes that are not replicated to a read-only domain controller (RODC). This prevents those attribute values from being revealed if an RODC is compromised)
roll forward setнабор данных наката (The set of all data restored by a restore sequence. A roll forward set is defined by restoring a series of one or more data backups)
rows without matching entries in the reference data setстроки без совпадающих элементов в эталонном наборе данных (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
service set IDидентификатор SSID (Alex Lilo)
service set IDидентификатор набора служб (Alex Lilo)
service set identifierидентификатор беспроводной сети (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network's SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters)
service set identifierидентификатор SSID (Alex Lilo)
service set identifierидентификатор набора служб (Alex Lilo)
Set application cultureопределение языка и региональных параметров приложения (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Set Currency Conversion Optionsустановка параметров конвертации валюты (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
set differenceразность множеств (The collection of elements in one set that do not appear in the other set)
Set Domain Functional LevelЗадайте режим работы домена (Windows 8 ssn)
Set due dateопределить дату выполнения (An option that allows the user to set the date by which a To Do needs to be completed)
Set End Optionalзадать необязательное окончание (Visio 2013 Rori)
set eventсобытие установки (ssn)
set event valueустановленное значение события (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Set Forest Functional LevelЗадайте режим работы леса (Windows 8 ssn)
Set initial stateУстановить начальное состояние (NET Framework 4.5 ssn)
set intersectionпересечение множеств (The collection of elements in a first set that also appear in a second set)
set languageвыбрать язык (Andy)
set languageвыбор языка (Andy)
Set marking if the ledger account is completely closed for postingsПометка полностью запрещает использование счета ГК для разноски (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
Set Noteопределить личное сообщение (The item on the user's My Status menu that enables the user to type a note that will appear as part of his status)
set of base class librariesнабор библиотек базовых классов (Alex_Odeychuk)
set of bitsнабор битов (Alex_Odeychuk)
set of namespacesнабор пространств имён (Alex_Odeychuk)
set of namespaces for the applicationнабор пространств имён приложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
set of types upon which a type dependsнабор типов, от которых зависит тип (говоря об интерфейсе Alex_Odeychuk)
Set Page Breakустановить конец страницы (Excel 2007, Office System 2010 Rori)
Set Page Breakустановить разрыв страницы (Office System 2010 Rori)
Set Read StateУстановка состояния прочтения (Windows Live Mail Wave 5 ssn)
Set single processor affinity for apps that have multi-proc bugsУстанавливает соответствие единственному процессору для приложений, имеющих ошибки в мультипроцессорном режиме (Windows 8 ssn)
Set stateУказать состояние (SQL Server 2008 R2 ssn)
Set state toЗадание состояния (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Set the Automation Security levelЗадать уровень безопасности автоматизации (Office System 2010 ssn)
Set the currency symbol that is used throughout the system.Задание обозначения денежной единицы, используемой во всех компонентах системы (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
Set the intranet statistics serverУкажите сервер статистики в интрасети (Windows 10 Rori)
Set the intranet support Web pageУказание веб-страницы, поддерживающей интрасеть (Windows 10 Rori)
Set the key length and export options for the private keyУстановите длину ключа и параметры экспорта для закрытого ключа (Windows Vista SP1, Windows 8)
Set the textbox sizing to accommodate contentsзадать изменение размера текстового поля по размеру содержимого (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
Set the time format that is used throughout the system.Задание формата времени для всех компонентов системы (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
set-top boxабонентская приставка (A device that converts a cable TV signal to an input signal to the TV set. Set-top boxes can be used to access the World Wide Web and are a type of information appliance)
Set-top Box Configurationнастройка абонентской приставки (Windows 8 Rori)
Set-top box not supportedАбонентская приставка не поддерживается (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
Set-top Box Remoteпульт дистанционного управления приставкой (Windows Server 2008 Rori)
set unionобъединение множеств (In set theory, the smallest combination of two sets that contains all elements of both sets)
set up graphical viewнастроить графическое представление (ssn)
set up the requirementsнастроить требования (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Set write-back cacheустановить кэш обратной записи (Windows 8.1 Rori)
Sets a profiling policyЗадание политики профилирования (Windows 8 ssn)
Sets interface parametersУстановка параметров интерфейса (Windows Vista ssn)
Sets the interface stateУстановление состояния интерфейса (Windows 8 ssn)
Sets up a grid for aligning drawing objectsУстановка привязки к сетке для выравнивания графических объектов (Word 2007, Office System 2010 Rori)
simple equi-joins between the input and a reference data setпростые эквивалентные соединения входного и эталонного набора данных (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
single-byte character setоднобайтовая кодировка (A character encoding in which each character is represented by 1 byte. Single byte character sets are mathematically limited to 256 characters)
single-byte character setоднобайтовая таблица символов
skill setнабор квалификационных навыков (A group of related skills)
Spatial result setпространственный результирующий набор (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
striped media setчередующийся набор носителей (A media set that uses multiple devices, among which each backup is distributed)
stylistic setстилистический набор (A stylistic variation on a font that provides an alternative to its default appearance)
tab setнабор вкладок (In Internet Explorer, a set of tabs you can store in your Favorites or as Home Page to reopen all tabs in the set in one go)
tape setнабор лент (An ordered collection of backup tapes written to by one or more backup operations using a constant number of backup devices)
template setнабор шаблонов (In ASP.NET mobile controls: A collection of templates associated with a templated control)
the dimension does not match the dimension set hierarchyАналитика не соответствует установленной иерархии (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
the scratch space could not be setне удалось задать рабочую зону (Windows 8.1)
this wizard will help you set your chart's look and feel.этот мастер поможет настроить внешний вид и оформление диаграммы (Office System 2010)
tool setнабор средств (stachel)
training data setнабор данных для обучения (A set of known and predictable data used to train a data mining model)
Universal Character Setкодировка UCS (An international standard character set reference that is part of the Unicode standard. The most widely held existing version of the UCS standard is UCS-2, which specifies 16-bit character values currently accepted and recognized for use to encode most of the world's languages)
Universal Character Setкодировка UCS
volume setнабор томов (A volume that consists of disk space on one or more physical disks. A volume set is created by using basic disks and is supported only in WindowsNT4.0 or earlier. Volume sets were replaced by spanned volumes, which use dynamic disks)
Web Parts control setнабор элементов управления веб-частей (The integrated set of ASP.NET software components that provide personalization, structural components such as zones and the WebPartManager control, Web Parts UI controls, and other components for building Web Parts controls and applications. Rori)
working setрабочий набор (The set of pages in the virtual address space of the process that are currently resident in physical memory)