
Terms for subject Photography containing selfies | all forms
Extendable Selfie Monopod with Attached Tripod Mountраздвижная палка для селфи с прикрепленным штативом (agrabo)
get a selfieснять селфи (with ... – с ...; CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
get a selfieсделать селфи (with ... – с ...; CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
selfie droneселфи-квадрокоптер ('More)
selfie droneселфи-дрон ('More)
selfie shooterпульт для селфи (dimock)
selfie stickмонопод (VLZ_58)
selfie stickприспособление для дистанционной съёмки (YOZ)
selfie stickпалочка Нарцисса (Sergei Aprelikov)
selfie stickпалка для селфи (A selfie stick is a monopod used to take selfie photographs by positioning a smartphone or camera beyond the normal range of the arm. The metal sticks are typically extensible, with a handle on one end and an adjustable clamp on the other end to hold a phone in place. Some have remote or Bluetooth controls, letting the user decide when to take the picture, and models designed for cameras have a mirror behind the viewscreen so that the shot can be lined up. wikipedia.org VLZ_58)
ugly selfieужасное селфи (A deliberately unattractive photographic self-portrait.: Thus, in the last few years, the ugly selfie – a selfie that's intentionally silly or unattractive – was born. 'More)
ugly selfieуродливое селфи (A deliberately unattractive photographic self-portrait.: Thus, in the last few years, the ugly selfie – a selfie that's intentionally silly or unattractive – was born. 'More)