
Terms for subject Mathematics containing s all | all forms | in specified order only
1. All mathematicians are antisocial. 2. There were some engineers and mathematicians in aвсе математики
all that remains isвсё, что остаётся (to show that ...)
all that remains is to verifyостаётся лишь проверить, что ...
all the necessary formulas for numerical calculations are given in fullвсе формулы, необходимые для численных расчётов, даны полностью
if all the eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are negative, then this matrix is said to be negative definiteотрицательно определённая матрица
if all the eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are positive, then this matrix is said to be positive definiteположительно определённая матрица
if one could gather all the parts of an exploding atom, their total weight would be slightly less than the weight of the original atomесли бы ... то ... бы
the initial speed can be calculated providing that all the fragments have equal massesпри условии, что
the second step is all that is importantединственный важный элемент
the second step is all that is importantединственно важный (момент, элемент)
there are vectors and scalars, not all zero, such thatне все равные нулю
what all the equations have in common is thatявляться общей чертой