
Terms containing ride herd | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.ride herd on something or someoneследить (Anglophile)
gen.ride herd on something or someoneпасти
Makarov.ride herd onдержать в рамках
Makarov.ride herd on somethingраспоряжаться чем-либо по своему усмотрению
fig.ride herd onкомандовать (Kuijpers looks at Barret. "Sir? Where do I fit in?" Barrett looks Kuijpers in the eyes. "As with anyone in this squad, it depends on the situation. When we operate as a single group, Sergeant Griffith will remain the senior NCO. If we split into smaller units, you may be required to act as a fire team leader, or assist myself or Lt. Dawes as necessary. Due to the nature of our missions, it's difficult for any one of us to have a single clearly defined role, with a few exceptions. For now, just ride herd on the squad, and make sure things get done." "At your orders, sir." Kuijpers gives a snappy salute and turns away.)
idiom.ride herd onстоять над душой (в значении "непрерывно контролировать"_ 4uzhoj)
Makarov.ride herd onохранять стадо, объезжая его верхом
Makarov.ride herd onконтролировать
gen.ride herd onкомандовать кем-либо распоряжаться чем-либо по своему усмотрению
gen.ride herd on something or someoneприсматривать (Anglophile)
gen.ride herd onпогонять (US informal : to keep (someone or something) under close watch or control We had to ride herd on them to make sure they completed the work on time. MWALD Alexander Demidov)
gen.the new teacher rode herd on his pupilsновый учитель держал учеников в узде