
Terms for subject General containing remeasurement | all forms | exact matches only
gains and losses from remeasurementдоходы и расходы от переоценки (Recognize currently in income, all gains and losses from remeasurement of monetary assets and liabilities that are not denominated in the functional currency. Alexander Demidov)
remeasurement at fair valueпереоценка по справедливой стоимости (The issue is whether the gain or loss related to the remeasurement at fair value of the retained interest in the former subsidiary should be recognised: (a) in full Alexander Demidov)
remeasurement gainдоход от переоценки (напр., финансовых инструментов angelll)
remeasurement of monetary assets and liabilitiesпересчёт монетарных активов и обязательств (Recognize currently in income, all gains and losses from remeasurement of monetary assets and liabilities that are not denominated in the functional currency. Alexander Demidov)