
Terms for subject Sports containing plays of | all forms
against the run of playпротив логики игры (Alexey Lebedev)
against the run of playвопреки ходу игры (An example of scoring against the run of play is the goal Ramires scored at Camp Nou during the 2012 Champions League semi-final. Chelsea had gone two goals down, but scored, against the run of play, making 2-1. They eventually went on to equalise and progress through to the final on aggregate. VLZ_58)
ball out of playмяч вне игры
course of playход игры
field of playполе
field of playплощадка
Field Of PlayСпортивная площадка, место проведения соревнований (TTT73)
have the better of playиметь игровое преимущество (VLZ_58)
let's play a game of chessсыграем партию в шахматы
out of playвне игры!
pace of playтемп игры (zilov)
play a round of golfсыграть партию в гольф (Andrey Truhachev)
play consistently well throughout/over the entire course of the regular seasonиграть ровно в течение всего регулярного сезона (george serebryakov)
start of playначало игры
the ball is out of playмяч вне игры
time of playпродолжительность игры