
Terms for subject Religion containing paul | all forms | exact matches only
Acts of Paulапокриф "Деяния Павла" (One of the apocryphal works devoted to Paul)
Acts of Paul and TheclaДеяния Павла и Фёклы (One of the apocryphal works devoted to Paul which includes a Christian version of the story of Androcles and the lion)
apostle paulапостол Павел
Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and PaulХрам Святых Апостолов Петра и Павла (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
Clerici regulares S. Paul decollatiбарнабиты
Clerici regulares S. Paul decollatiварнавиты
Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de PaulДочери милосердия св. Винцента де Поля (A Roman Catholic religious congregation founded in 1633, the first non-cloistered religious institute of women devoted to the service of the poor)
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the CalatiansПослание к Галатам св. апостола Павла
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the ColossiansПослание к Колоссянам св. апостола Павла
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the EphesiansПослание к Ефесянам св. апостола Павла
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the HebrewsПослание к Евреям св. апостола Павла
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the PhilippiansПослание к Филиппийцам св. апостола Павла
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the RomansПослание к Римлянам св. апостола Павла
Epistle of Paul to PhilemonПослание к Филимону
Epistle of Paul to Timothy'Первое послание к Тимофею' или "Второе послание к Тимофею"
Epistle of Paul to TimothyК Тимофею
Epistle of Paul to TitusПослание к Титу св. апостола Павла
fast of St. Peter and St. PaulПетров Пост
First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the CorinthiansПервое послание к Коринфянам св. апостола Павла (First of two New Testament letters addressed from the apostle Paul to the Christian community that he had founded at Corinth, Greece)
First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the ThessaloniansПервое послание к Фессалоникийцам св. апостола Павла (First of the two New Testament letters written by Paul from Corinth, Greece, about AD 50 and addressed to the Christian community he had founded in Macedonia)
John PaulИоанн Павел I (Pope whose 34-day pontificate in 1978 was the shortest in modern times)
John PaulИоанн Павел II (Pope from 1978, the first non-Italian Pope in 456 years)
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the ColossiansПослание к Колоссянам св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians'Первое послание к Коринфянам св. апостола Павла' или "Второе послание к Коринфянам св. апостола Павла"
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the EphesiansПослание к Ефесянам св. апостола Павла (New Testament writing once thought to have been composed by Paul in prison but more likely the work of one of Paul's disciples)
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the GalatiansПослание к Галатам
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the GalatiansПослание к Галатам св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the GalatiansК Галатам
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the HebrewsПослание к Евреям св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the HebrewsПослание к Евреям
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the HebrewsК Евреям
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the PhilippiansПослание к Филиппийцам св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the RomansПослание к Римлянам св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the RomansК Римлянам
Letter of Paul to Philemon"Послание к Филимону св. апостола Павла" (Brief New Testament letter written by Paul the Apostle to a wealthy Christian of Colossae, Asia Minor, on behalf of Onesimus, Philemon's former slave)
Letter of Paul to PhilemonПослание к Филимону
Letter of Paul to the AlexandriansПослание Павла к Александрийцам (A lost 2nd-century apocryphal letter said to have been forged by followers of Marcion)
Letter of Paul to the ColossiansПослание к Колоссянам св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul to the EphesiansПослание к Ефесянам св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul to Timothy'Первое послание к Тимофею св. апостола Павла' или "Второе послание к Тимофею св. апостола Павла"
Letter of Paul to TitusПослание к Титу св. апостола Павла
Letters of Paul to the Thessalonians'Первое послание к Фессалоникийцам св. апостола Павла' и "Второе послание к Фессалоникийцам св. апостола Павла"
Saint Paul's Cathedralкафедральный собор св. Павла (Cathedral of the Church of England in London)
Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the CorinthiansВторое послание к Коринфянам св. апостола Павла (Second of two New Testament letters, or epistles, addressed from the apostle Paul to the Christian community that he had founded at Corinth, Greece)
Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the ThessaloniansВторое послание к Фессалоникийцам св. апостола Павла (Second of the two New Testament letters written by Paul from Corinth, Greece, about AD 50 and addressed to the Christian community he had founded in Macedonia)
Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the TimothyВторое послание к Тимофею св. апостола Павла (Second of the two New Testament writings addressed to Timothy, one of Paul's most faithful coworkers)
SS. Peter and Paul Dayдень памяти славных и всехвальных первоверховных апостолов Петра и Павла
SS. Peter and Paul Dayдень памяти святых апостолов Петра и Павла (June 29, a holy day of obligation for Roman Catholics, when all the faithful must attend Mass)
st. paulсв. Павел
St. Paul's CathedralКафедральный Собор Святого Павла (Александр Рыжов)
St. Paul's CathedralКафедральный собор св. Павла (Александр Рыжов)
St. Paul's CathedralСобор св. Павла (Александр Рыжов)
St. Paul's CathedralСобор Святого Павла (Александр Рыжов)