
Terms for subject General containing particular interests | all forms | in specified order only
be of particular interestпредставлять особый интерес (AnnaB)
be of particular interest to sb.представлять особый интерес для кого-л. (The video is of particular interest to the National Crime Agency whose officers believe that it could be a clue as to how the traffickers go about their day. -- представляет особый интерес для сотрудников НАБП ART Vancouver)
have a particular interest inпроявить особый интерес к (Then, a sudden “strong rush of wind” hit the witness, while at the same time, a ramp was stretching to the ground from an opening in the craft. On the ramp, three humanoid “men” appeared, each wearing “shiny, silvery coveralls”. The witness heard the “men” speak an unknown language as they seemingly discussed his presence. He would recall how they seemed to have a particular interest in the horse. The account stops there, and while it doesn’t say what happened after that, we have to assume the witness vacated the area as soon as he could. -- проявили особый интерес к его лошади (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver)
one's particular interests чьи-либочастные интересы
Russia is watching developments in Europe and the united States with particular interestРоссия следит за событиями в Европе и США с неослабевающим интересом (bigmaxus)
take a particular interest inпроявить особый интерес к (Prof. Hoffmann has taken a particular interest in the history of the native Sámi people. ART Vancouver)