
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing pale | all forms | exact matches only
as pale as a corpseбелый как труп (Александр_10)
as pale as a corpseбледный как смерть (Александр_10)
as pale as ashesбледный как смерть (Александр_10)
as pale as deathбелый как полотно (Александр_10)
as pale as deathбледный как смерть (Александр_10)
he is as pale as a ghostна нём лица нет
he is as pale as deathна нём лица нет
pale beforeмеркнуть перед
pale beforeмеркнуть перед (That's bad aesthetic news any time but especially in the current climate of bad Syrian news – this soft fiction pales before the hard facts.)
pale beforeи рядом не стояло
pale in comparisonбледнеть на фоне (~ to – ~ чего-либо Баян)
pale in comparison toмеркнуть по сравнению с (Our problems pale in comparison to theirs Bob_cat)
pale into insignificanceсойти на нет (VLZ_58)
pale shadowбыть менее выразительным, чем на самом деле, в сравнении с остальными (less impressive or not as good as before or when compared with someone or something similar. Eg. To be a pale shadow of the real you. He’s become a pale shadow of his former self. Edict)