
Terms for subject Rail transport containing movements | all forms | exact matches only
alternating movementвозвратно-вращательное движение
alternating movementвозвратно-поступательное движение
authorize train movementосуществлять движение поездов
authorized train movementдвижение по установленному направлению (ssn)
authorizing train movementдвижение по установленному направлению (ssn)
bulk liquid movementбестарная перевозка жидкостей
bulk-liquid movementбестарная перевозка жидкостей
conflicting movementвстречное движение
constrained movementпринудительное движение
constrained movementвынужденное движение
control of train movements by radioуправление движением поездов посредством радиосвязи
controlling the movement of trainsуправление движением поездов
dispatch train movement recordsоперативная информация о движении поездов (Кунделев)
disturbing movements of a locomotiveколебания паровоза
disturbing movements of a locomotiveпаразитные движения локомотива
diverting long-haul trucks to rail movementперевод дальних авторейсов на железнодорожные перевозки
easing a curve movementоблегчение прохождения кривой
empty movementдвижение порожняком
endling movementдвижение в осевом направлении
facing movementдвижение в противошёрстном направлении
free movementлюфт
high-speed movementдвижение с высокой скоростью
lateral movementсмещение в поперечном направлении
locking bolt movementход замыкателя
locking movement actuated by springзамыкание от действия пружины
lowering movementдвижение вниз
lowering movementопускание
manual switch and lock movementsстрелочные приводы с ручным переводом и замыканием
mechanics of train movementмеханика движения поезда
movement authorityразрешение на проследование (railwayman)
movement authorityкоманда на движение (railwayman)
movement of loadпередвижение перемещение груза
movement of peopleдвижение людей (поток людей; 1 Freedom of movement – Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org›wiki/Freedom_of_movement Some people and organizations advocate an extension of the freedom of movement to include a freedom of movement – or migration ... A person may be prohibited to exit a country on a number of reasons, such as being under investigation as a suspect, serving a criminal sentence, being a debtor in default, or posing a threat to national... Читать ещё 2 Brexit: Free Movement of People Means Free Movement of... wsj.com›articles/brexit…movement-of-people…jobsto… Campaigners for a British exit, or Brexit, argue that the free movement of people in the EU allows European workers to take British jobs, depressing British wages and putting pressure... Читать ещё 3 Terms you need to know….. Migration Migration: long-term... slideplayer.com›slide/4038246/ Migration Migration: long-term movement of people from one region to another Emigration Emigration: (e for exit) people leave. ... 6 Push factors: reasons why people leave (war, famine, work) Pull factors: reasons that attract people to a country (job opportunities, freedom from danger, better climate Barriers to migration: anything that can... Читать ещё 4 Brexit: All you need to know about the UK leaving the EU bbc.com›news/uk-politics-32810887 Free movement of people from the EU will effectively continue until the end of the transition period in December 2020. ... Who has been negotiating Britain's exit from the EU? Theresa May set up a government department, headed by veteran Conservative MP and Leave campaigner David Davis, to take responsibility for Brexit talks. Читать ещё 5 People movement modeling thunderheadeng.com›files/com/FEMTC2016/files/d3-… People movement models have traditionally been developed as a tool for mod-eling building evacuation in emergencies, especially fire ... occupant, it may be possible to create artificial exits in order to achieve the desired movement within the building. Читать ещё 6 Gaza crossings: movement of people and goods ochaopt.org›data/crossings Longstanding restrictions on the movement of people and goods to and from Gaza have undermined the living conditions of 1.9 million Palestinians in Gaza. Many of the current restrictions, originally imposed in the early 1990s, were intensified in June 2007, following the Hamas takeover of Gaza and the imposition of a blockade by Israel. Читать ещё 7 the movement of people – Перевод на русский – примеры... context.reverso.net›перевод…the movement of people Перевод "the movement of people" на русский. ... Меры по контролю за передвижением людей по территории Южной Африки действуют постоянно. A world in which the movement of people and goods potentially threatens safety... Читать ещё 8 The movement of people from agricultural areas to cities to... ieltsfever.com›the-movement-of-people-from…to…to… In villages, as more land exits farming, the local agricultural economy may suffer. Closer proximity to urban consumers and new output venues allow farmers to adapt ... If cities and villages are linked well with efficient public transport, many people would not shift to cities. To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, urbanization can cause... Читать ещё 9 Brexit and Free Movement of People – EU Agenda euagenda.eu›publications/brexit…movement-of-people The UK has made Control of Free Movement of People a key objective for a new UK-EU trade agreement. The current indications are that the UK will seek to access and operate within the Single Market... Читать ещё 10 The free movement of people – it works both ways | EU ROPE eu-rope.ideasoneurope.eu›…the…movement-of-people/ The UK government's attack on the EU's free movement of people seems to be baseless rhetoric. There appears to be no problem that ... Two million British nationals living in the EU would become 'illegal' immigrants should the UK exit the EU, says former attorney general Dominic Griev... 63. 3... Читать ещё 11 Schengen and the Free Movement of People Across Europe mi Movement nvlpubs.nist.gov›nistpubs/TechnicalNotes/NIST.TN.… The data of people movement on stairs consist of the times that each individual is observed by every video camera in every stair in every building observed by NIST (14 buildings total). Within the dataset, 11 of the 14 buildings were office buildings, and 3 buildings were residential. Of the residential buildings, two of the buildings... Читать ещё Moonranger)
movement of pistons in the opposite direction to each otherвстречнодвижущиеся поршни
movement of pistons in the opposite direction to each otherпротивоположное движение поршней
movement of rail jointsобразование зазора в стыках
movement of trainsдвижение поездов
movement safety systemСистема обеспечения безопасности движения (Katkov)
opening movementход размыкания (стрелочного остряка)
resistance to movementсопротивление движению (platon)
shunting movementманевровое перемещение (railwayman)
shunting movementманевровое передвижение
shunting movementsманёвры
smoothness of movementплавность хода (поезда)
switch and lock movementприводозамыкающий механизм
switch and lock movementстрелочный привод-замыкатель
switch movementход стрелки
switch-and-lock movementприводно-замыкающий механизм
switch-and-lock movementстрелочный приводозамыкатель
switching movementsманёвры
system of controlling train movementsсистема управления движением поездов
train movementorder-диспетчерский приказ (о движении поезда)
train movementsдвижение поездов
train movements both waysдвустороннее движение поездов
train movements controllerпоездной диспетчер
transverse movement of bow on a trolley-wireпоперечное перемещение лыжи токоприёмника относительно контактного провода
vertical movementподпрыгивание
vertical movementподбрасывание