
Terms for subject Microsoft containing model | all forms | exact matches only
activity model stepшаг модели деятельности (A synonym for an action from the viewpoint of an activity model. When an action is contained within an activity model, it is referred to as an activity model step)
asynchronous programming model patternшаблон модели асинхронного программирования
Business Data Connectivity Model Templateшаблон модели подключения к бизнес-данным (A Visual Studio project template that enables you to create your own .NET Connectivity Assemblies)
child model siteдочерний узел бизнес-моделей (A model site that is subordinate to a root model site and is used to organize data in an application)
Common Information Model Object ManagerДиспетчер объектов CIM
Common Information Model Object Managerдиспетчер объектов CIM (A component in the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) infrastructure that handles the interaction between management applications and providers. The CIM Object Manager supports services such as event notification, remote access, and query processing. The CIM Object Manager also grants access to the WMI repository)
cross-model associationмежмодельная связь (A relationship that allows users to define links between reference data elements to enable fact data movement)
cross-model mappingсопоставление элементов моделей (A one-to-one correspondence that a business rule can establish between members or dimensions of two separate models)
default model binderстандартный связыватель модели (Стандартный связыватель модели используется активатором действий, когда ему не удаётся обнаружить специальный связыватель для привязки конкретного типа данных. Alex_Odeychuk)
Entity Data Model schemaсхема EDM (An XML text file that describes entity and relationship types. The schema also defines a container within which instances of these types are logically organized)
Execution of NativeSql rule 0 failed. This may have occurred because changes have been made to the model structure without redeploying the model site or because of SQL access violations or other errors in the stored proc. Try redeploying the model site and reviewing the stored proc for errors. The exact SQL error can be retrieved from the server logОшибка выполнения правила NativeSql 0. Она могла произойти из-за внесения изменений в структуру модели без повторного развёртывания узла модели или из-за нарушения доступа SQL или других ошибок в хранимой процедуре. Выполните повторное развёртывание узла модели и просмотрите хранимую процедуру на наличие ошибок. Точная ошибка SQL может быть получена из журнала сервера (PerformancePoint Server 2007 ssn)
mining model foldingсвёртывание модели интеллектуального анализа (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
Mining Model Output Columnsвыходные столбцы модели интеллектуального анализа данных (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
model associationмежмодельная связь (A relationship that allows users to define links between reference data elements to enable fact data movement)
model binderсвязыватель модели (A feature of ASP.NET that automatically converts data that is posted in an HTML form to a .NET data type)
model bindingпривязка модели (The process of automatically converting data that is posted in an HTML form to a .NET Framework data type)
model bindingпривязка модели (из кн.: Фримен А. ASP.NET MVC 5 с примерами на C# для профессионалов ssn)
model binding contextконтекст привязки модели (Alex_Odeychuk)
model databaseшаблон базы данных (A database that is installed with Microsoft SQL Server and that provides the template for new user databases. SQL Server creates a database by copying in the contents of the model database and then expanding the new database to the size requested)
Model Definition FileФайл определения модели (Andy)
model dependencyзависимость моделей (A relationship between two or more models in which one model is dependent on the information of another model)
model-driven architecture – MDAмодельно-зависимая / ориентированная / обусловленная архитектура
model for which to list all the versionsмодель, для которой возвращается список версий (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
model siteузел бизнес-моделей (An object that organizes data within a PerformancePoint Planning Server application. A model site is a container for models and their related elements (such as dimensions, security and mapping information, and business process definitions) that are used to structure business intelligence data. Each model site can inherit data and structure from the root model site of the application)
model siteузел модели (ssn)
model storeхранилище моделей (A Microsoft SQL Server database where all objects in the Application Object Tree (AOT) are stored)
model storeхранилище моделей (A Microsoft SQL Server database where all objects in the Application Object Tree (AOT) are stored. Rori)
name of the model for which to list all the versionsимя модели, для которой возвращается список версий (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
New product model number on Advanced Tab is missingОтсутствует новый код модели продукции на вкладке "Дополнительно" (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
redeploying the model siteповторное развёртывание узла модели (ssn)
root model siteкорневой узел бизнес-моделей (The primordial model site for an application. Each application must contain one root model site)
Semantic Model Definition Languageязык определения семантических моделей (A set of instructions that describe layout and query information for reports created in Report Builder. Rori)
value model for the fixed assetмодель стоимости для основных средств (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)