
Terms for subject Microsoft containing markup | all forms | exact matches only
Binary Application Markup Languageязык BAML (A binary representation of the objects and properties declared in an Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) file)
Binary Application Markup Languageязык Application Markup Language
Extensible Markup Languageязык XML (A markup language for describing and exchanging structured data in a format that is independent of operating systems and applications. XML is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specification and is a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML))
extensible markup languageязык XML
invalid markup declarationнедопустимое объявление разметки (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
markup balloonвыноска (An outlined container that displays a markup element, such as a comment or revision, in the margin of a document)
markup containerконтейнер разметки
markup declarationобъявление разметки (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
markup orderпорядок в разметке (The stacking order of objects in a document that is based upon the order the objects appear in markup, such as XAML)
markup overlayслой исправлений
percent markupпроцент наценки (A pricing method that determines the unit price of the product is calculated as a percent markup of the current cost or standard cost that was entered in the Current Cost field on the Product form)
Select what markup to show while reviewing the document.Выбор типа исправлений, отображаемых при рецензировании документа (Word 2007 Rori)
Simple Markup viewпредставление "Исправления" (A view for tracked changes that clearly identifies where changes and comments are in a document, and gives you easy access to them, without detracting from the readability)
Vector Markup Languageязык VML (An XML-based specification for the exchange, editing, and delivery of 2-D vector graphics on the Web. An application of XML (Extensible Markup Language), VML uses XML tags and Cascading Style Sheets to create and place vector graphics, such as circles and squares, in an XML or HTML document, such as a Web page. These graphics, which are rendered in the native operating system, can include color and are editable in a variety of graphics programs)
Wireless Markup Languageязык WML (An XML-based markup language used to specify content and the user interface for narrowband devices, including cellular phones and pagers. WML is part of WAP)