
Terms for subject Informal containing make feel | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
it doesn't make me feel betterЛучше от этого мне не становится (dimock)
it doesn't make me feel betterмне от этого лучше не становится (dimock)
make feelдавать почувствовать (I've driven billionaires in my time. And you know what? They make you feel it. They make you feel you're not equal to them. SirReal)
make feel badпристыдить (SirReal)
make feel goodпорадовать (Their kids work really hard at making their parents feel good. – порадовать родителей ART Vancouver)
you make me feel badмне так неудобно ("You make me feel bad." "Why? You're just doing what you have to do, Selma. It's no problem. It's cool." (Straight Time, 1978) ART Vancouver)
you make me feel I can do anythingс Вами я всесилен (Himera)