
Terms for subject Banking containing loan-out | all forms | in specified order only
hand out generous loansвыдавать щедрые кредиты (англ. цитата – из статьи в Wall Street Journal Alex_Odeychuk)
loan outдавать кредит (BrinyMarlin)
loan taken out byкредит, привлечённый (привлечённый/полученный заёмщиком Alex_Odeychuk)
take out a loanвзять кредит (Car buyers are taking out loans more frequently, borrowing larger amounts and planning to pay the money back over longer periods. Ruth)
take out a loanполучать кредит (Bloomberg Alex_Odeychuk)
take out a loan with a bankвзять в банке кредит (Hence we might rely on a contractor to assist as the premium is often well worth it. Or we may take out a builders loan with a Bank, shop around for loyalty discounts and enjoy the process. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)