
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing light | all forms | exact matches only
expose to the light of the dayизвлечь на свет божий (Abysslooker)
find the light on your ownсамостоятельно найти решение задачи (Alex_Odeychuk)
find the light on your ownсамостоятельно найти свет в конце туннеля (Alex_Odeychuk)
find the light on your ownсамостоятельно найти путь решения (Alex_Odeychuk)
hide light under a basketбыть излишне скромным (VLZ_58)
hide light under a basketскрывать свой ум и талант (VLZ_58)
hide light under a basketзарывать свой талант (VLZ_58)
hide light under a basketдержать свет под спудом (VLZ_58)
hide light under a basketумалять свои достоинства (VLZ_58)
hide light under a basketскромничать (You've worked long and hard to get where you're going and to become the expert you are in your area of expertise. Why keep hiding your light under a basket? VLZ_58)
in the cold light of dayв спокойной обстановке (Yeldar Azanbayev)
in the cold light of dayна трезвую голову (Сибиряков Андрей)
in the cold light of dayутро вечера мудренее (Abysslooker)
in the light ofсквозь призму (Trident)
it came to light thatстало известно, что (The curious spate of incidents reached its current crescendo on Sunday when it came to light that yet another object had been shot down that day. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
light a fire underнадавить (someone); It's time you lit a fire under those guys or they'll never finish painting the house. VLZ_58)
light a fire underпринуждать (someone VLZ_58)
light a fire underподгонять (someone VLZ_58)
light bulb goes off/onозарило (used to say that a person suddenly understands something or has a great idea After thinking about the problem for several days, a light bulb went off in her head, and she knew how to solve it. Merriam Webster dict LyuFi)
light bulb momentмиг озарения (Mira_G)
light-mindedlyс наскока (VLZ_58)
light-mindedlyс кондачка (VLZ_58)
light of one's lifeлюбовь всей жизни (VLZ_58)
light of one's lifeсвет в окошке (VLZ_58)
light upозариться улыбкой (*one's face lights up* — used to say that someone looks pleased and happy: Her face lit up when she saw him. (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
make light ofлегкомысленно отзываться о (ART Vancouver)
shed some light onпрояснить (Intrigued Andrew revealed he has no idea what the 'creature' could be. But he is hoping other Scots can help shed some light on his sighting which came just one day after learning about Nessie at the Loch Ness Experience. Retired asset manager for Fife Council Andrew said: "Maybe Nessie has escaped and gone up the coast. thescottishsun.co.uk ART Vancouver)
shine a light onвысветить (проблемы, недостатки, нечто малодоступное, истинное положение дел: This week we shine a light on this secret industry with a list of the top 50 hedge fund chiefs and their wealth. (Sunday Times) • Just yesterday he announced he would hold a review to 'shine a light' on tax avoidance if elected. (The Sun) ART Vancouver)
shine a light on problemsвысветить проблемы (He announced he would hold a review to shine a light on tax avoidance and other problems if elected. • Ночной пожар в Стрелецкой балке высветил проблемы хаотичной застройки Севастополя. (sevastopol.su) ART Vancouver)
the light dawnedя осознала (что-либо, синоним: to realise; напр.: He was lying to me, but it was months before the light dawned. leranka)
the light is on, but there's nobody at homeне все дома
throw some light on/uponпрояснить (Perhaps your wife can tell us something which may throw some light upon the matter. Can we talk to her? ART Vancouver)