
Terms for subject Proverb containing invention | all forms
necessity is the mother of inventionнужда всему научит (дословно: Необходимость-мать изобретательства)
necessity is the mother of inventionнужда научит мышей ловить
necessity is the mother of inventionголь на выдумки хитра (those in need have to he inventive, contriving, and always are)
necessity is the mother of inventionголь на выдумки хитра (дословно: Необходимость-мать изобретательства)
necessity is the mother of inventionнеобходимость – мать изобретательства
necessity is the mother of inventionнужда научит горшки обжигать
necessity is the mother of inventionнужда научит калачи есть (need (and poverty) makes a man inventive, industrious (poverty and unemployment forced peasants of northern Russia – in the 18th century and earlier- to migrate and find work in the southern parts of the country where local people used to grow wheat – not rye – and therefore had white bread called " 'kalach''))