
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing into pieces | all forms | in specified order only
fall into piecesвпасть в смятение (от горя и т. д.; быть смятенным, удручённым, убитым горем, потерять рассудок от горя; to become emotionally upset, to become distraught or lose one's ability to cope: Roger fell into pieces when his mother died. thefreedictionary.com elkaletom)
fall into piecesсломаться (от горя и т. д.; быть смятенным, удручённым, убитым горем, потерять рассудок от горя; to become emotionally upset, to become distraught or lose one's ability to cope: Roger fell into pieces when his mother died. thefreedictionary.com elkaletom)
fall into piecesбыть убитым горем (elkaletom)
fall into piecesбыть удручённым (elkaletom)
fall into piecesпотерять рассудок от горя (elkaletom)
fall into piecesрухнуть (от горя и т. д.; быть смятенным, удручённым, убитым горем, потерять рассудок от горя; to become emotionally upset, to become distraught or lose one's ability to cope: Roger fell into pieces when his mother died. thefreedictionary.com elkaletom)
fall into piecesбыть смятенным (elkaletom)
hack into piecesразбить на части/куски (After all that work, the result was something I just wanted to hack into pieces." Interex)