
Terms for subject General containing in footsteps | all forms | in specified order only
follow in one's father's footstepsпоследовать примеру отца (Taras)
follow in one's father's footstepsследовать по стопам отца (she thought she would follow in her father's footsteps and become a surgeon Olga Okuneva)
follow in one's father's footstepsпойти по стопам отца (Taras)
follow in one's footstepsпойти по стопам (кого-л. Irina Verbitskaya)
follow in footstepsидти по smb's стопам
follow in footstepsследовать неотступно за кем-либо идти по пятам
follow in footstepsбыть чьим-либо последователем
follow in someone's footstepsидти по следам
follow in footstepsследовать чьему-либо примеру
follow in smb.'s footstepsбрать с кого-л. пример
follow in smb.'s footstepsидти по чьим-л. стопам
follow in someone's footstepsпойти по ... стопам (Maria Klavdieva)
follow in one's footstepsпойти по стопам (кого-л.)
follow in his footstepsСледовать по его стопам (Пауткина Галя)
follow in the footsteps ofидти в русле
follow in the footsteps ofследовать примеру
follow in the footsteps ofпроходить в русле
follow in the footsteps ofследовать по стопам (кого-либо; Blooomberg Alex_Odeychuk)
follow in the footsteps ofпойти путём, проложенным ...
follow in the footsteps ofпродолжить начатое (кем-либо)
follow in the footsteps ofбрать пример с (I follow in the footsteps of the Lord)
follow in the footsteps ofявляться продолжателем
follow in the footsteps ofидти по стопам (+ gen.)
follow in the footsteps ofследовать по пути, завещанном
follow in the footsteps ofподражать
follow in the footsteps ofпродолжать дело (кого-либо)
follow in the footsteps ofпоследовать примеру
follow in the footsteps ofпринять эстафету у
follow in the footsteps of one's ancestorsпойти по стопам предков (ART Vancouver)
following in the footsteps ofвслед за (Sony became the latest exhibitor to withdraw from Mobile World Congress on Monday, following in the footsteps of LG, Ericsson, Amazon and Nvidia. 4uzhoj)
footsteps sounded in the distanceвдали и т.д. послышались шаги (in the hall, on the stairs, on the porch, etc.)
he followed in his father's footstepsон пошёл по стопам отца
he trod in his father's footstepsон шёл по стопам отца
in someone's footstepsпо стопам (I didn't mind that you followed in dad's footsteps Побеdа)
in someone's footstepsследом
in the footstepsпо стопам (He had hopes of following in the footsteps of Dositej and becoming minister of education. The division has followed in the footsteps of Pochin's mobile concrete pumping division who achieved the accreditation last year. There were few chuckles in this heavy duty drama, which followed in the footsteps of Widows, Prime Suspect Civvies. You can follow in the footsteps of the legions at Fishbourne Roman Palace: one of the finest built outside Rome itself. LDOCE. 1860 Tyndall Glac. i. xvi, 111, I marched without hesitation or anxiety in the footsteps of my guide. OED Alexander Demidov)
in the footstepsпо следам (in the footsteps of heroes; in the footsteps of Tolkien Trail 4uzhoj)
in the footsteps ofв фарватере (rechnik)
print one's footsteps in the sandоставлять следы ног на песке
tread in footstepsследовать чьему-либо примеру
tread in footstepsследовать неотступно за кем-либо идти по пятам
tread in footstepsидти по чьим-либо стопам
tread in the footsteps of a personподражать
tread in the footsteps of a personследовать примеру
tread in the footsteps of a personидти по следам кого-нибудь
treading exactly in footstepsслед в след (e.g. His comrade follows treading exactly in his footsteps Soulbringer)
walk in one's footstepsпоследовать чьему-то примеру (КГА)
walk in footstepsследовать неотступно за кем-либо идти по пятам