
Terms for subject Saying containing if a | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
if a job is once begun, never leave it till it's doneвзялся за гуж, не говори, что не дюж (VLZ_58)
if my aunt had been a man, she'd have been my uncleкабы жабе хвост (igisheva)
if someone takes advantages of my trust once, it's his fault, and if he does it a second time, it's mineесли кто-нибудь однажды злоупотребил моим доверием-он виноват, но если он сделает это во второй раз-виноват буду я
if there are tears, there's a conscienceесть слёзы – есть и совесть (буквально)
no one knows if a bird in flight has an egg in its stomachЛибо дождь, либо снег, либо будет, либо нет
no one knows if a bird in flight has an egg in its stomachодному Богу известно
no one knows if a bird in flight has an egg in its stomachБабушка гадала, надвое сказала
Put it there, if it weighs a ton~Вот тебе моя рука, если груз на душе (строка из песни Пола МакКартни ‘Put It There', вот что Пол сам сказал: The song was originally inspired by my dad who used the expression regularly. ‘Put it there, if it weighs a ton,' he would say. Growing up I heard this expression a lot when he was shaking hands with anyone! Lily Snape)