
Terms for subject Astronomy containing highest | all forms
a high density coreядро высокой плотности (Alex_Odeychuk)
high-altitude passageвысокое прохождение
high-energyс большой энергией
high-energy componentвысокоэнергетический компонент
high frequency waves plкороткие волны
high-latitude prominenceвысокоширотный протуберанец
high-power telescopeсветосильный телескоп
high-powered telescopeмощный телескоп (Sightings of Mallory and Irvine date back much further than 1999. In 1936, British pioneer Frank Smythe was looking at the upper part of the mountain through a high-powered telescope when he spotted what he firmly believed was a body that could only have been Mallory or Irvine. Its location was below where an abandoned ice axe had been discovered by another British expedition three years earlier. (theguardian.com) ART Vancouver)
high solar atmosphereверхняя часть атмосферы Солнца
high-velocity objectбыстродвижущийся объект галактического гало
high-velocity starsбыстродвижущиеся звезды
hold a high metalicityиметь высокую металличность (space.com Alex_Odeychuk)
very-high-frequency waves plультракороткие волны
wedge of high pressureклин высокого давления