
Terms for subject General containing have trouble | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
be didn't have any trouble in finding the bookон нашёл книгу без всякого труда
have a lot of trouble withиметь массу проблем (из-за чего-либо)
have a lot of trouble withиметь массу неприятностей (из-за чего-либо)
have no troubleбез особых хлопот (о каком-либо действии A.Rezvov)
have no troubleбез труда делать (что-л.) (+ gerund: This old Indian was a very talkative old gentleman. He told me stories about gold brought out by a white man from this lost mine. This white man was a very heavy drinker—spent his money freely in saloons. But he had no trouble getting more money. He would be away a few days, then come back with a bag of gold. But one time he went to his mine and never came back. Some people said a Sasquatch had killed him. -- без труда доставал ещё денег bfro.net ART Vancouver)
have some trouble in doingделать (sth.)
have some trouble in doingиспытывать трудности (sth., в чём-л.)
have some trouble in doingвыполнять что-л. с трудом (sth.)
have the troubleпозаботиться (to-V; Eg. I didn't have the trouble to take anything to eat with me Granadilla)
have the troubleудосужиться (to-V Granadilla)
have troubleзатрудняться (pivoine)
have troubleсомневаться (не решаться что-то сделать pivoine)
have troubleне мочь (doing something: Dr. King, I've been having trouble getting through to my wife. • What happened after that, I have trouble recalling. 4uzhoj)
have trouble breathingкому-л. трудно дышать (in the progressive: Is he having trouble breathing? ART Vancouver)
have trouble breathingкому-л. тяжело дышать (in the progressive: Is he having trouble breathing? ART Vancouver)
have trouble doing somethingтрудно (сделать что-либо bookworm)
have one's trouble for nothingостаться на бобах
have trouble picturingслабо представлять себе (I have trouble picturing Australia, sorry to have to admit (since there are loads of photos and films around, but still, not the same as ... Alexander Demidov)
have trouble picturingслабо представлять (You spend a lot of time talking about suits and bespoke shoes, but what do you wear at the weekend? I have trouble picturing what you put on to pop out to the newsagent. Alexander Demidov)
have trouble understandingплохо понимать (4uzhoj)
have trouble withне задаться (Tanya Gesse)
he didn't have any trouble in finding the bookон нашёл книгу без всякого труда
he didn't have any trouble in finding the bookон нашёл книгу без всякого труда
he had trouble enough to sink a younger manтакие неприятности могли бы сломить даже более молодого человека
he has heart troubleу него слабое сердце
he has heart troubleу него больное сердце
he has liver troubleу него больная болит печень
he has liver troubleу него плохо с с печенью
he has trouble getting his bearings in our townон плохо ориентируется в нашем городе
he has tummy troubleу него болит живот
I had some trouble in reading his handwritingмне было трудно понять его почерк
I have a lot of trouble believing thatмне с трудом в это верится (ART Vancouver)
I have nothing but trouble with himс ним одно мучение
I have the same trouble as you hadу меня такая же проблема, какая была у тебя
I'd set about him with a stick with the butt of the spade, etc. if we have any troubleесли что не так, я стукну его палкой (и т.д.)
it looks as if we are going to have troubleпохоже на то, что у нас будут неприятности
it looks as if we are going to have troubleвидимо, у нас будут неприятности
it looks as though we are going to have troubleпохоже на то, что у нас будут неприятности
it looks as though we are going to have troubleпохоже на то, видимо, у нас будут неприятности
it looks as though we are going to have troubleвидимо, у нас будут неприятности
not to have the troubleполениться (to-V Granadilla)
one will have much trouble with himс ним придётся много биться
we didn't think we'd have any troubleмы и не подозревали, что у нас возникнут какие-либо проблемы
we had all our trouble for nothingмы напрасно так старались
we have enough trouble without thatу нас и без того хлопот полон рот
you have saved me troubleвы избавили меня от хлопот
you will have no trouble dealing with itвам не составит труда разобраться в этом (Technical)