
Terms containing have on feet | all forms
gen.have both feet firmly on the groundпрочно стоять на ногах (AD Alexander Demidov)
gen.have both feet on the floorкрепко стоять на ногах
idiom.have both feet on the groundстоять обеими ногами на земле (Andrey Truhachev)
idiom.have both feet on the groundбыть прагматиком (to be very practical and see things as they really are fluent)
idiom.have both feet on the groundбыть реалистом (Andrey Truhachev)
idiom.have both feet on the groundбыть практичным человеком (to be very practical and see things as they really are fluent)
Makarov.have both feet on the groundкрепко стоять на ногах
gen.have one's feet on the groundтвердо стоять на ногах
gen.have someone on one's feetпоставить на ноги (после болезни maystay)
gen.have you on your feet in no timeБыстро встать на ноги (выздороветь)