
Terms for subject Figure of speech containing have effect | all forms
have a chilling effectохладить пыл (Халеев)
have a chilling effectостудить (on sth., sb. – что-л., кого-л.: Hong Kong may be the least affordable city worldwide, but potential home buyers may be encouraged to know that it’s not as unaffordable as it once was. House prices slipped during the pandemic in 2020, when the government closed the city’s borders and imposed a zero-Covid policy — that’s on top of new national security laws that have had a chilling effect on the city. (cnn.com) ART Vancouver)
have a ripple effectпрокатиться, оставив след (Talty also noted that the events in Waco have had a ripple effect on American media and politics. Wary of government overreach, a number of militia groups have sprung up in the years following Waco in response to the siege. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
have a ripple effectразойтись, как круги на воде (Talty also noted that the events in Waco have had a ripple effect on American media and politics. Wary of government overreach, a number of militia groups have sprung up in the years following Waco in response to the siege. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
have a ripple effectразлететься, вызвав отголоски (Talty also noted that the events in Waco have had a ripple effect on American media and politics. Wary of government overreach, a number of militia groups have sprung up in the years following Waco in response to the siege. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
have no effectне давать эффекта (Leonid Dzhepko)