
Terms for subject Makarov containing goalkeeper | all forms | exact matches only
he lobbed the ball over the goalkeeper and into the netон послал мяч над вратарём в сетку ворот
his shot was parried by the goalkeeperголкипер парировал его удар
his shot was parried by the goalkeeperвратарь парировал его удар
play goalkeeperиграть вратарём
the club signed on a new goalkeeperклуб нанял нового вратаря
the goalkeeper dived for the ball but missed itголкипер бросился за мячом, но упустил его
the goalkeeper made a brilliant saveвратарь блестяще отбил удар
the shot was saved by the goalkeeper, who returned to Liverpool last week after three seasons with Barcelonaудар был отражен вратарём, который вернулся в команду Ливерпуля на прошлой неделе, проведя три сезона в Барселоне