
Terms containing go by board | all forms | in specified order only
nautic.go by boardуносить за борт (вк)
idiom.go by the boardотказаться (от чего-либо; We never use electric shock therapy on mental patients; it's old hat. That treatment went by the board years ago. adivinanza)
idiom.go by the boardоказаться забытым (A.Rezvov)
gen.go by the boardбыть выброшенным за борт
gen.go by the boardупасть за борт
idiom.go by the boardстать ненужным (A.Rezvov)
Makarov.go by the boardне сбыться
idiom.go by the boardоказаться никому не нужным (It's a case of not what you know but who you know in this world today and qualifications quite go by the board. VLZ_58)
idiom.go by the boardбыть забытым (о принципах, планах: All her efforts to be polite went by the board and she started to shout. adivinanza)
idiom.go by the boardуйти в прошлое (A.Rezvov)
Makarov.go by the boardне осуществиться
gen.go by the boardпадать за борт
idiom.go by the boardпредаться забвению (A.Rezvov)
idiom.go by the boardотказаться (от чего-либо: We never use electric shock therapy on mental patients; it's old hat. That treatment went by the board years ago. 'More)
nautic.go by the boardбыть смытым за борт волной
nautic.go by the boardбыть сброшенным за борт
proverbthe Lord is Lord but don't go by the boardБог-то Бог, да и сам не будь плох
proverbthe lord is lord, but never go by the boardБог-то Бог, да и сам не будь плох (God helps those who help themselves. take care of yourself and God will take care of you)