
Terms for subject Informal containing gay | all forms | exact matches only
dressed in her gayestодетая в самое нарядное платье (dress)
gay bladeхват
gay bladeухарь
gay deceiversчашечка бюстгальтера с толстой прокладкой (поролоновой и т.п.)
gay hookerгомосексуалист-проститут ("Seymour was like that too, just for longer. Тhe whole reason the area around Davie is filled with road diversions is because they were trying to stop johns from cruising." "Davie closer to False Creek was hooker ville – heck, Davie and Homer was gay hooker central until like 2009." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
gay hooker centralулица, где торгуют собой гомосексуалисты-проституты ("Seymour was like that too, just for longer. Тhe whole reason the area around Davie is filled with road diversions is because they were trying to stop johns from cruising." "Davie closer to False Creek was hooker ville – heck, Davie and Homer was gay hooker central until like 2009." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
gay manголубец (Tanya Gesse)
gay Pareeсияющий Париж
gay Pareeвесёлый Париж
gay personгомик
gay pornгей-порно (Юрий Гомон)
I'm gayя-лесбиянка (spelled)
I'm gayя-гей (spelled)
I'm gayя-гомосексуален (spelled)
I'm not gay seatкресло гетеросексуалов (пустое место в кинотеатре, которое оставляют между собой два молодых человека, давая окружающим понять, что они не педерасты)
paint in gayцветить
paint in gay colorsцветить
paint in gay coloursцветить