
Terms for subject General containing former Soviet Union | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
across the former Soviet Unionна всём постсоветском пространстве (Ремедиос_П)
countries across the former Soviet Union and beyondстраны ближнего и дальнего зарубежья (They had number plates from countries across the former Soviet Union and beyond, but a high proportion seemed to be from Ukraine, and Georgian officials were working their way slowly down the line – by Owen Polley Tamerlane)
countries outside the former Soviet Unionдальнее зарубежье (АД+МТ)
former Soviet Unionближнее зарубежье
former Soviet Unionстраны ближнего зарубежья
former Soviet Unionбывшие советские республики
Former Soviet Unionбывший СССР (The post-Soviet states, also commonly known as the Former Soviet Union (FSU) or Former Soviet Republics, are the 15 independent states that emerged from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in its dissolution in December 1991. The three Baltic states restored their independence on the basis of state continuity; while the remaining 12 republics are deemed to have seceded from the Soviet Union and are thus referred to as the Newly Independent States (NIS). The NIS subsequently formed the CIS and most joined CSTO [The Collective Security Treaty Organization], while the Baltic states eschewed that path and instead joined both the European Union and NATO. WK Alexander Demidov)
former Soviet Union and other foreign countriesстраны дальнего и ближнего зарубежья (Alexander Demidov)
of the former Soviet Union, FSUближнее зарубежье (Yuri Ginsburg)
from the former Soviet Union and elsewhereиз ближнего и дальнего зарубежья (Alexander Demidov)
oil production other than in OPEC and the former Soviet Unionдобыча нефти в мире, за исключением ОПЕК и стран бывшего Советского Союза (В.И.Макаров)
States of the former Soviet Union, excluding Russiaстраны ближнего зарубежья (David Cassidy)
Steering Committee on Coordination of Technical Assistance in Statistics to the Countries of the Former Soviet UnionГлавный комитет по координации технического содействия странам бывшего СССР в области статистики
within the former Soviet Union and beyondв странах ближнего и дальнего зарубежья (Alex Lilo)