
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing for a | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
be in for a long timeдолго ждать (Try ordering a meal in this restaurant and you may be in for a long time. – придётся долго ждать ART Vancouver)
been around for a long timeне один год (This has been around for a long time. -- Этой проблеме не один год. ART Vancouver)
Buy something for a songприобрестикупить что-либо очень дёшево (To purchase something very cheaply. Interex)
for a brief span of timeв течение короткого времени (What was this thing? The creature was only ever seen in the area of Matsudo and only for a brief span of time, leaving the impression that whatever it was it was probably only a passing visitor. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
for a purposeне зря (Anyway, I forgot my passport, so I had to turn back and I missed the flight. And you know what happened to everyone on board. You call it a coincidence but I believe these things are sent to us for a purpose. ART Vancouver)
for a purposeне просто так (Anyway, I got into this accident on my way to the airport so I missed the flight. And you know what happened to everyone on board. You call it a coincidence but I believe these things are sent to us for a purpose. ART Vancouver)
for a reasonне зря (I mean, it is called the Last Frontier for a reason. • Get yourself an umbrella and a rain coat... the city is called Raincouver for a reason. ART Vancouver)
for a reasonне случайно (We're over the Alex Fraser Bridge and we're here for a reason -- we have a crash at the south end. (CityNews 1130) -- Мы здесь не случайно ART Vancouver)
for a reasonнеспроста (He called you for a reason, no doubt about it. -- Он тебе позвонил неспроста, это несомненно. ART Vancouver)
for a very good reasonсовершенно справедливо (In my opinion, Linda's book 'Monsters Among Us: An Exploration of Otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena' is her most ambitious and thought-provoking. Section 4 of her book is titled "Creatures of Shadows, Mists, and Lights." And it has that title for a very good reason. As Linda demonstrates on many occasions, where Dogmen are often seen, so are strange and usually small balls of light and mysterious mist. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
for a whileкакое-то время (I think I'll stay with Hiroshi and Julia for a while. –- какое-то время поживу у … • I think I'll try a different toothpaste for a while. -- какое-то время буду пользоваться ... ART Vancouver)
gear up for a snowfallготовиться к снегопаду (We're gearing up for the big snowfall tonight, we're ploughing, salting and sanding all major roads and bridges. ART Vancouver)
what do you do for a living?чем вы занимаетесь? (What do you do for a living? ART Vancouver)
what do you do for a living?где вы работаете? (What do you do for a living? ART Vancouver)
would you mind waiting for a few minutes?подождите, пожалуйста, несколько минут