
Terms for subject Law containing file case | all forms
admission to the case fileприобщение к материалам дела (triumfov)
attachment of decision to file of caseприкрепление решения к делу
case assignment fileкартотека дел, переданных производством
case fileисследуемые материалы (A collection of documents and evidence relating to a particular legal case. ‘she discusses a court case without referring to the case file' ‘Should electronic case files be protected from unlimited public disclosure, or should they be treated the same as paper files?' ‘Police case files often contain conflicting or inaccurate information.' ‘Whittle insisted he has had no active part in the case since last year, although it is claimed that his name remains on the case file.' ‘Unfortunately, as I have not yet seen the recently released case file at the National Archives, I will be relying on current news reports for information.' ‘Sadly, her case file, and the photograph it probably contained, has been destroyed.' ‘I am generally not a horror film fan, probably because if I want to see real horror I can go to work and look through some homicide case files.' ‘Its painstaking attention to detail could only have come from the author pawing over endless FBI case files.' ‘Carrying a coffee tray and a stack of case files simultaneously was an acquired skill.' ‘The case file reveals that a former bricklayer was the primary suspect for many years.' oxforddictionaries.com Alexander Demidov)
case fileдосье (Право международной торговли On-Line)
case file materialsисследуемые материалы (Alexander Demidov)
case file of an investigationматериалы расследования (Alexander Demidov)
case file sheetлист дела (Евгений Тамарченко)
Commercial Case File DatabaseКартотека арбитражных дел (Igor Kondrashkin)
court case fileкартотека дел (суда Leonid Dzhepko)
criminal case fileматериалы уголовного дела (Alexander Demidov)
divorce case fileматериалы бракоразводного процесса (sankozh)
enter into the case fileприобщать к делу (Alexander Demidov)
enter something into the case fileприобщить что-либо к материалам дела (Евгений Тамарченко)
file a caseподшить дело (Право международной торговли On-Line)
file a caseподать иск
file in the caseприобщать к делу (Palatash)
file in the caseпредставить в дело (заявления и/или ходатайства vatnik)
inclusion in the criminal case fileприобщение к материалам уголовного дела (WiseSnake)
large-case-file auditналоговая проверка налогоплательщика с доходом, превышающим определенный порог (ВолшебниКК)
place in the case fileприобщить к материалам дела (At a minimum, the clerk of the court must place in the case file the following documents filed in an action: MCR 8.119(D)(1)(d). Pleadings. Process, proofs of ... Alexander Demidov)
right to demand and obtain files of caseправо на истребование дел
sheet of case fileа.с. (а.с. – аркуш справи (укр. яз.) gerasymchuk)
simple play on case file numbersманипуляции с номерами уголовных дел (Leonid Dzhepko)
study of file of caseизучение дела