
Terms containing escape and rescue | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
mil.aircrew escape and rescue system capabilityвозможности системы катапультирования и спасения экипажа ЛА
mil.crew escape and rescue techniquesаварийно-спасательные средства экипажа
O&G, tengiz.EERA Evacuation, Escape and Rescue AssessmentОценка готовности к эвакуации и спасательным мероприятиям ( The purpose of an Evacuation, Escape and Rescue Assessment (EERA) is to qualitatively and quantitatively confirm that the resources identified in the Emergency Response Philosophy/Plan for evacuation, escape and rescue at an offshore facility are appropriate and adequate for the hazards that may require personnel to leave that facility in an emergency. Burkitov Azamat)
subm.escape and rescue hatchвыходной люк
nautic.escape and rescue hatchспасательный люк
nautic.escape and rescue trunkспасательная шахта
O&GEvacuation Escape and Rescue AssessmentОЭС (MichaelBurov)
O&GEvacuation Escape and Rescue Assessmentоценка эвакуации и спасения (MichaelBurov)