
Terms for subject Automobiles containing entry- level | all forms | in specified order only
entry-levelв базовой комплектации, для новых клиентов, для новичков.
entry-levelбазовая комплектация (car; или "в базовой комплектации": The price difference between the entry-level Ford Fiesta Studio and the next model up is £1,750. That's very nearly a 20 per cent saving and the only meaningful difference is the lack of air conditioning. Denis Lebedev)
entry-level carавтомобиль в базовой комплектации (The price difference between the entry-level Ford Fiesta Studio and the next model up is £1,750. That’s very nearly a 20 per cent saving and the only meaningful difference is the lack of air conditioning. Denis Lebedev)
entry-level modelмодель базовой комплектации (felog)