
Terms containing dominant trait | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
med.autosomal dominant traitаутосомно-доминантный признак (ig003)
avia., med.dominant traitдоминирующий признак
psychol.dominant traitосновная черта
psychol.dominant traitдоминирующая черта
med.dominant traitдоминантный признак
med.hereditary syndrome transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait and characterized chiefly by chronic noninflammatory facial swelling, usually confined to the lips, recurrent peripheral palsy, and sometimes fissured tongueсиндром Мелькерссона–Розенталя (MichaelBurov)
med.hereditary syndrome transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait and characterized chiefly by chronic noninflammatory facial swelling, usually confined to the lips, recurrent peripheral palsy, and sometimes fissured tongueсочетание рецидивирующего неврита лицевого нерва, отёка лица и складчатого языка (MichaelBurov)
med.hereditary syndrome transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait and characterized chiefly by chronic noninflammatory facial swelling, usually confined to the lips, recurrent peripheral palsy, and sometimes fissured tongueсиндром Мелькерссона–Розенталя (MichaelBurov)