
Terms for subject Law containing criterion | all forms | exact matches only
criterion of classificationкритерий классификации
criterion of irresponsibilityкритерий невменяемости (I. Havkin)
legal criterion of irresponsibilityюридический критерий невменяемости (Every crime committed by a lunatic is an illustration of it or, at least, it is so if we apply tlie medical and not the legal criterion of irresponsibility to the act. I. Havkin)
medical criterion of irresponsibilityмедицинский критерий невменяемости (Every crime committed by a lunatic is an illustration of it or, at least, it is so if we apply tlie medical and not the legal criterion of irresponsibility to the act. I. Havkin)
psychological criterion of irresponsibilityпсихологический критерий невменяемости (I. Havkin)