
Terms containing congenital hypothyroidism | all forms | in specified order only
med.congenital hypothyroidismврождённый гипотиреоз (Rada0414)
med.genetic disorder leading to congenital bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and goitre with occasional hypothyroidismнаследственное сочетание зоба и глухоты (MichaelBurov)
med.genetic disorder leading to congenital bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and goitre with occasional hypothyroidismврождённая двусторонняя нейросенсорная тугоухость в сочетании с вестибулярными расстройствами и зобом (MichaelBurov)
med.genetic disorder leading to congenital bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and goitre with occasional hypothyroidismболезнь Пендреда (MichaelBurov)
med.genetic disorder leading to congenital bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and goitre with occasional hypothyroidismсиндром Пендреда (MichaelBurov)
med.hereditary syndrome of congenital bilateral nerve deafness associated with development of goiter without hypothyroidism in middle childhoodнаследственное сочетание зоба и глухоты (MichaelBurov)
med.hereditary syndrome of congenital bilateral nerve deafness associated with development of goiter without hypothyroidism in middle childhoodврождённая двусторонняя нейросенсорная тугоухость в сочетании с вестибулярными расстройствами и зобом (MichaelBurov)
med.hereditary syndrome of congenital bilateral nerve deafness associated with development of goiter without hypothyroidism in middle childhoodболезнь Пендреда (MichaelBurov)
med.hereditary syndrome of congenital bilateral nerve deafness associated with development of goiter without hypothyroidism in middle childhoodсиндром Пендреда (MichaelBurov)